
Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

author:Enshi grass in the cracks

Straight to the point, today I want to talk to you about sea cucumbers with the same origin as medicine and food.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Sea cucumber, ranked first among the "eight treasures", also known as "sea ginseng", is famous for its rich nutrition. Sea cucumbers live on the seabed all year round, feeding on algae and plankton from the seabed. Sea cucumbers are covered with fleshy spines and are widely found in the world's oceans. It should be known that sea cucumbers have a history of more than 600 million years, and no matter how time changes, sea cucumbers have their own strong marks in each history.

According to historical records, the earliest record of sea cucumber eating can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period, and Shen Ying described it in the "Records of Foreign Bodies in the Linhai Sea", "soil meat, just black, like a child's arms, five inches long, with a belly, no mouth, thirty legs, hot food". And the "earthen meat" here refers to sea cucumbers.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

By the time of the Wei and Jin dynasties, sea cucumbers had become a delicacy in feasts. Guo Pu wrote in "Jiang Fu", "Yu Jue Haiyue, soil flesh Shihua", and the "Yu Jue" and "Shi Hua" here are also precious seafood.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


The name of sea cucumber began in the Ming Dynasty, and Xie Zhaoxuan's "Five Miscellaneous Tricks" has clouds, "In the past, people used Fujian lychee, oyster house, seed fish, and seaweed as the four beauty. Oysters are made of stones, and the so-called oysters are also. Not only is it good, but it is also good for people. Its shell can be burned as ash, and it is especially better than lime. Seed fish, seaweed, seaside common taste, not surprising, not yet as good as Liaodong's sea cucumber, fish ear. Sea cucumber, its sexual warmth, enough enemy ginseng, hence the name sea cucumber. ”

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Subsequently, in the Qing Dynasty, the "Suixi Bureau Diet Recipe" had a detailed description of the value of sea cucumber's medicinal and dietary use, saying that sea cucumber can "nourish yin, replenish blood, strengthen yang, moisturize, regulate menstruation, raise fetus, and facilitate the production of postpartum and post-illness aging, it is suitable to simmer with ham, pig, and mutton".

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Nowadays, with the general improvement of public living standards and the continuous enhancement of health awareness, sea cucumbers, as a good product for both medicine and food, are gradually entering the public's life. Especially in recent years, everyone's work pressure is increasing, the pace of life is also accelerating, "weak", "weak", "sub-health" seems to have become a more common phenomenon, eating sea cucumber is gradually becoming a trend of people's daily health care.

So, what are the medicinal effects of this little sea cucumber? Spend three or five minutes listening to Yuanzhi.

Sperm blood loss

There is a saying in Chinese medicine that is called the void is not replenished. I believe that many people must have heard of it, so many people use this as an excuse to resist the medicinal herbs that refuse to nourish.

And this is precisely to misunderstand the meaning of "deficiency not supplemented", the so-called "deficiency not supplemented", which means that the spleen and stomach are weak and should not be supplemented, because most of the medicinal materials for tonic are greasy, and it is easy to hinder the healthy luck of the spleen and stomach by taking greasy products; In addition, those who are weak and have real evil in them should not be supplemented, and beware of nourishing medicinal materials that promote the breeding of evil qi.

In fact, people who are arrogant and say that they are "vain and unfilled" only know one and do not know the other. There is also a saying in Chinese medicine, called "virtual to make up", which means that if it is false, it should be supplemented. Some people have been ill for a long time, the evil qi has just been dispelled, and the right qi is weak, and this time is a good time to replenish.

So what is righteousness? Simply put, righteous qi refers to the qi and blood in our body, and when the qi and blood are full, it is difficult for external evil to invade.

You go to see, the color of sea cucumbers is black and black, Chinese medicine says, the color is black into the kidney, the kidney mainly stores the essence, and the essence blood is homologous, can be transformed into each other, and the essence is bloody. Therefore, sea cucumbers into the kidney meridian, good at nourishing the liver and kidney essence blood, it should be known that sea cucumbers enjoy the reputation of "the first of a hundred supplements" and "the god of blood replenishment", so sea cucumbers are often effective when used alone.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


It can also be used with cooked land, white peony and other medicinal herbs that nourish the liver and kidney essence blood, and the effect is better.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

White peony

Kidney deficiency and low back pain

The problem of low back pain can be said to plague a large group of people.

Don't think that low back pain is just a geriatric disease, you must know that more and more young people and middle-aged people are also suffering from low back pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney stores the essence as the main bone, and the liver stores the main tendon in the blood. And with the overwork of people day after day, or the age increases, kidney qi is increasingly deficient, over time, involving liver blood, so that liver and kidney sperm blood deficiency, and it is difficult to nourish the muscles and bones, is the symptom of kidney deficiency and low back pain.

Sea cucumber is good at nourishing liver and kidney essence blood, liver and kidney essence blood is sufficient, then the muscles and bones are nourished by essence blood, and the problem of low back pain is naturally improved.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


If you want to have a better effect, you can add psoralen, eucommia and other herbs that strengthen the waist and knees.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

Du Zhong


There are clouds in "Food Should Be Taboo", saying that sea cucumbers can "nourish the kidney meridian, benefit the essence, eliminate phlegm and salivation, take urine, and aphrodisiac and cure hemorrhoids." "

Modern pharmacological research has shown that the active substances such as zinc, acid mucopolysaccharides, and sea cucumbers contained in sea cucumbers can improve the function transmission of brain and gonadal nerves.

In addition, sea cucumbers are also the most abundant in arginine. It should be noted that arginine is the main component of male sex cells.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


How often to urinate

Right now, it's autumn and winter, and the weather is getting colder. Waking up at night can be said to be a very poor experience. Even so, even if the drowsiness is thick, it can't stop this frequent urge to urinate.

Don't take frequent urination seriously, you must know that people with mild urinary frequency get up at least three or four times a night, and those who are serious, no less than ten times a night, what's more, because the urge to urinate is really urgent, before they reach the toilet, they urinate directly on the body.

So why is there a problem of frequent urination?

First of all, you can see that most of the people with frequent urination are the elderly, which is mainly related to its pathogenesis. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main physiological function of the bladder is to store jin liquid, the reason why it is jin liquid, not to say urine, mainly because there is still a part of the clear liquid in the bladder, which can be re-returned to the lungs under the transpiration of kidney yang, and used by the human body, if the kidney yang deficiency, the jin fluid in the bladder can not transpire, it is all left in the bladder, and the kidney and the bladder are each other's surface, kidney qi deficiency, then the bladder opening and closing is lost, is to see frequent urination and urgency.

So why is frequent urination more serious in the middle of the night?

We said that the fluid in the bladder needs to transpirate under the action of kidney yang Wenxi, which is an internal cause. And night in the cognitive category of traditional Chinese medicine belongs to "yin", especially in the middle of the night, the yin qi is the worst, and the yang is the weakest, frequent and urgent people have their own kidney yang deficiency, at this time, if you add the middle of the night this environment is also yin and yang, the problem of frequent urination is bound to become more and more serious.

Sea cucumber is warm, mainly into the kidney meridian, can warm the kidney yang and help the bladder open and close a degree, which is a good medicine for the treatment of frequent urination.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


It can be used with nootropic kernel, black medicine and other warm kidney to help yang, convergence and solid medicinal materials.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

Black medicine

Irritable bowel and constipation

The problem of constipation can be said to be a cliché.

When many people encounter constipation, they choose to use some simple and crude medicinal herbs such as senna.

Indeed, senna can indeed have immediate results, but senna is strong in medicine, and young and middle-aged people who are strong and healthy are fine, if they are weak and sick for a long time, how can they withstand such a toss?

In fact, the problem of constipation is not difficult to solve. It should be known that the reason why stool is difficult to understand is mainly because our intestines are deficient and dry up, and the feces are like stranded boats, stuck on the intestines, which Chinese medicine vividly calls waterless boats.

At this time, if you want to expel feces, instead of relying on brute force to push the stranded boat out hard, you only need to refill the dried intestines with liquid, let the feces flow downstream, increase the water and sail, which is much easier, and will not hurt the intestines, isn't it beautiful?

Sea cucumber has a moist texture and is good at nourishing yin and blood, which is a good medicine for people who are weak and have been sick for a long time, dry intestines and constipation.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


In addition, it can be used with angelica, cistanche and other medicinal herbs that nourish blood and moisturize the intestines, and the effect is better.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used



Modern pharmacological studies have shown that there is a sea cucumber toxin, also known as sea cucumber saponins, in the body wall, internal organs and glands of sea cucumbers, which has a high content. Sea cucumber toxin is an anti-toxic agent that inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells. At the same time, it has a strong antibacterial effect. The selenium contained in sea cucumbers can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and blood vessels, and has obvious anti-cancer effects.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


However, although sea cucumber has anti-tumor effect, but the pathogenesis of the tumor is quite complex, after all, single-flavored sea cucumber is still a single drug, the efficacy alone is not significant, therefore, clinically it is mostly used with medicinal materials such as mountain mushroom, white flower snake tongue grass and other medicinal materials that clear heat and detoxify, eliminate carbuncles and disperse.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

Mountain mushroom

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used

White-flowered snake tongue grass

Although sea cucumbers have many effects, they are not suitable for everyone.

Sea cucumber is ultimately a nourishing tonic, so those with weak spleen and stomach, real evil inside, cough and phlegm need to be used with caution.

In addition, sea cucumbers are very smooth, so people with diarrhea and loose stools also need to be cautious about eating.

Talk about a taste of sea cucumber, tonify blood, anti-tumor, low back pain, impotence, constipation, frequent urination can be used


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