
How to deeply understand Anne Elno? Two experts from Sichuan University analyzed the new work "Life Trilogy" of newly promoted Nobel Prize writers | Tianfu Book Fair

author:Cover News

Cover News Reporter Zhang Jie Intern Wu Yuke

On October 6 this year, the Swedish Academy awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature to French female writer Anne Erno. After the news came, Anne Elno's literary works also became a focus of readers' attention. On the afternoon of November 26, "Writing Life - 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature Winner Anne Elno's New Book Sharing Session" was held at the Tianfu Book Fair. Professor Liang Zhonghe of the Department of Philosophy of Sichuan University and Lu Yingfu, Associate Professor of the School of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, shared their respective feelings of Anne Ernault and the charm of contemporary French literature around Anne Elno's three Chinese new books.

How to deeply understand Anne Elno? Two experts from Sichuan University analyzed the new work "Life Trilogy" of newly promoted Nobel Prize writers | Tianfu Book Fair

Two experts from Sichuan University share their feelings of reading Anne Elno's works

Anne Elno's three new books published by Shanghai People's Publishing House are Anne Elno's famous work "A Man's Place", her masterpiece "A Woman's Story" and her relatively recent work "A Girl's Memory". The three works are written about Elno's father, mother and herself, forming a "life trilogy". Among them, "A Girl's Memory" is the first edition of Chinese Simplified.

How to deeply understand Anne Elno? Two experts from Sichuan University analyzed the new work "Life Trilogy" of newly promoted Nobel Prize writers | Tianfu Book Fair

She inherited the French humanistic traditions such as Rousseau, Hugo, Zola, Camus, and Sartre

Anne Ernault was born in 1940 in the Normandy region of France, a land with a strong literary tradition and the home of the great writers Flaubert and Maupassant. Anne Elno's literary genres are mostly autobiographical nonfiction and interviews. There are no complicated characters in the work, no magical and grotesque plots, and constantly write the lives of ordinary people from the perspective of civilians and women, writing about fathers, mothers, youth, family disputes, social struggles, birth, old age, illness and death, and the writing technique is ingenious and very easy to read.

Lu Yingfu first positioned Anne Elno from the perspective of literary history. He considered Anne Elnault to be a quintessential French writer and French writer. Anne Erno inherited the humanistic traditions of Rousseau, Hugo, Zola, Camus, Sartre and so on. In addition, the innovation of writing concepts and attempts by French writers in the 20th century to write skills are also very evident in her. The fragmented form she adopts is highly consistent with what she represents, which is both related to the writer's personal experience and to the current social situation, and there is a groundbreaking technique in writing.

How to deeply understand Anne Elno? Two experts from Sichuan University analyzed the new work "Life Trilogy" of newly promoted Nobel Prize writers | Tianfu Book Fair

The characteristics of her writing: both the courage to dissect the self and the absence of subjective pathos

In The Place of a Man, Anne Elno writes about a man's life, presenting a portrait of society and a chronicle of life. The man's father, from the bottom class, went from farmer to worker and eventually became the owner of a grocery store. Although he has achieved a class leap, he often reveals the class from which he comes from in his casual words and deeds. This fear of losing his social position and the shame of his origin always haunted him, which also led to a father-daughter estrangement and became the most familiar stranger. In his own words, the work "has no lyrical memories or triumphant mockery, but a natural androgynous style, like the style I used when I once wrote to my parents to report safety."

Lu Yingfu combined the Nobel Committee's award speech to Anne Elno "with courage and clinician acumen" to explain the characteristics of Elno's writing. He believes that Anne Elno's writing has the courage to analyze and dissect the self, while maintaining an objectivity and calmness, without moving towards a subjective pathos writing. Talking about his reading experience, Professor Lu said that "A Man's Position" is like a "prose poem written by a father", which can quietly move readers.

A Woman's Story is a book that Anne Ernault began writing after her mother died of Alzheimer's disease. She began to reminisce and restore the real woman in the relationship between mother and daughter and social relations. She chronicles her mother's youth and aging, dreams and realities. She wanted to fight for the greatest fairness for her mother: to make her mother herself. This work that explores the relationship between mother and daughter has minimalist language and emotional restraint, especially the description of the mother suffering from "Alzheimer's disease" is almost cruel, but paradoxically touching. This work once again proves the power of literature, which allows a daughter to reincarnate her mother after her death.

"Memory of a Girl" is Anne Elno's old age, bravely facing her eighteen-year-old self. The reason why I say brave is because that memory is not "glorious". At the age of early love, she was toyed with by men during a summer camp and then abandoned. In the book, she writes unreservedly about her weakness and depravity, and also writes about petty theft while studying in England, all so honest. This book is not a "confession", it is more like an "individual epistemology". She tells every female reader or man that shame is not always negative and negative, and that we can turn it into a courageous and a moment to "know ourselves." This work is like a diamond in the night, shining in the darkness.

Liang Zhonghe quotes Elnault's phrase "despair is a luxury" in A Woman's Tale to illustrate that "contradiction" is ubiquitous in Elnault's work. On the one hand, Elno does not want to stay in the small towns of his hometown; On the other hand, after studying to stay in the big city of Paris, you will miss the past. For example, Erno needs to write about his mother over and over again, but this constantly reminds himself of the painful fact that his mother is no longer there. These three books can allow readers to accept their own contradictions, to delve into their own contradictions, to deepen their own contradictions in writing, language and thought, to make people experience their own finitude, and to withdraw people from this limitation. This kind of writing feature can bring us a new reading experience.

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