
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

author:Li Weibai

Yesterday I talked about the inland Taipan snake, which is the most toxic on land, how can the sea be absent?

7 trillion years ago, the movement of the earth's crust plates caused the separation of the sea and land, and amphibians partially evolved into snakes, some of which were reluctant to leave the ocean, and became the highly venomous sea snakes we know today.

Sea snakes are also a genus of sea snakes in the cobra family, they should have been in a family thousands of years ago, and the same family is highly venomous snakes. And the sea snake likes to gather collectively when it comes to the reproductive stage, forming a "thousand snake array", the scene is scary, and the secret is cautious!

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

The venom of sea snakes belongs to the strongest animal venom, and the concentration of toxins is twice that of cobras, even if they are famous, they cannot escape the clutches of Japanese old ladies, and have become a famous delicacy on the Japanese table - sea snake soup! Aren't they afraid of being highly poisonous, or are sea snakes really so delicious? Can you overcome your fear of eating snakes?

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
Attached at the end of the article are our Chinese favorite sea serpent practices.

Known modern sea serpents are generally small and highly venomous intelligent players, rather than relying on speed and strength. The body length is generally about 50-100 cm, widely distributed in the Philippines, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and other places, more than a dozen species of sea snakes have been found in China.

Sea snakes are the collective name of parade snakes, and the more famous are the blue-ringed sea snake, Belcher sea snake, long-snouted sea snake, ringed sea snake, flat-tailed sea snake and so on.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Among them, the blue-ringed sea snake is known as the "strongest poison king in the sea", with a cylindrical trunk, a black ring on its back, and a yellow or olive belly. It is a neurogenic viper, and it is worth mentioning that its venom damages the human voluntary muscles, not the nervous system.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Therefore, if you are accidentally bitten, it is difficult to detect, and there is no reaction for 30 minutes to three hours, and it is easy to ignore. But this does not mean that he is not a threat, hook-billed sea snakes are 80 times more toxic than sodium cyanide, and two drops of venom can be life-threatening before they are treated.

After being bitten by a sea snake, people will feel muscle weakness, soreness, and gradually heart and kidney failure. Once we find that we have been bitten, we must immediately seek medical attention and inject anti-venom to protect our lives.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Do you know? The sea snake is actually a "myopic eye", almost invisible in the dark, similar to our high myopia, but its sense of smell is very developed, even if it returns to the surface from deep water to breathe, it can accurately find the way home.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Once a diving enthusiast found a shocking scene underwater, countless sea snakes gathered around a sea area, entangled foraging and dancing, the black pressure of the piece could not tell whether it was a snake or a fish, fortunately they were not alarmed at that time, otherwise they were afraid that their lives were hanging by a thread.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

After going back, he checked the information and found that it was the reproductive period of the sea snake, so they got together to form a dense "thousand snake array", which is simply a nightmare of deep-sea phobia.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

The natural predators of sea snakes are sea eagles, seabirds, and some sharks. There is also the Japanese old lady's plate. Sea snakes are a well-known dish in the local area, and smoked sea snake meat can also be sold at high prices. Today, let's take a look, what kind of delicacy?

Modern studies have shown that the venom and tissues of the Qinghuan sea snake contain anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antibacterial, antitumor and analgesic effects. The medicinal properties of a variety of sea snakes are also recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

According to legend, many years ago, the two people who lived on the island and had a good life came to the reef on the beach of the island in the evening to prepare to salvage sea goods, but found a sea snake in the cave in the reef, and at that time the conditions were difficult and there was nothing to eat, so they caught the sea snake back to peel it and gut it and remove the head, and ate sea snake soup after an operation.

Accidentally found that the flesh of the sea snake is soft and has a strong tonic effect, dispelling wind and dehumidification, it is very suitable for people with weak physique and people suffering from skin diseases, and has a miraculous effect. Since then, the sea snake eating method has spread.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

The islanders will specially wait for sea snakes to come to the cave to find nests and fresh water, and after years of hunting experience, they dare to catch sea snakes empty-handed without any protective gear, which is really daring! Even one of the local island cultures is sea snake cooking and sea snake soup.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Finally, I would like to share a menu with everyone: spicy sea snakes! (Not only fried snakes, fried insoles are fragrant!) )

Staple food + ingredients: sea snake meat, red pepper, vegetable oil, bean paste, dark soy sauce, star anise cinnamon fragrant leaves, etc

Method: 1. After slaughtering the live snake, peel it and cut it into segments.

2. Put a little oil in the pot, add the auxiliary material snake segment over low heat to stir-fry the aroma, pour in the meat broth, change to a simmer, and collect the juice over high heat and serve it separately.

3. Cook the meat in another pot, add bean paste to season with light soy sauce, and then use wet starch to thicken the pork, and then take it out of the pot.

The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table
The world's most poisonous sea snake, the cobra is called big brother, but it is a delicacy on the Japanese table

Do you dare to eat sea snake soup? To be honest, I somewhat resisted.

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