
The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

author:Fantasy grapefruit u

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On the Internet, a legend of a strange fish invading the United States has become popular again. It is said that in the diet of this fish, it eats all other fish, the predation method is extremely ferocious, it can live for three days out of water, it can glide on land, it can also attack children, pets, and even kill people...

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

The rumored fish is not only in the United States, but also in China, commonly known as black fish, also called snakehead fish. In the eyes of the Chinese people, black fish is "boiled and red", and the delicacy of the Chinese population has turned into a terrible "hellfish" after the expedition to the United States.

As early as the beginning of the twenty-first century, American scientists warned that more than 20 species of fish commonly found in the Caspian and Black Seas were being carried by the ballast water of various steamships across the ocean to the Great Lakes on the border of the United States and Canada. When these highly adaptable "immigrants" are introduced to the United States in large numbers, some native fish will face extinction.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

The Great Lakes are becoming a playground for exotic fish, and the U.S. and Canadian governments spend tens of millions of dollars each year on controlling or eliminating alien fish in the Great Lakes alone. Such rampant exotic fish, including blackfish, how did it become a "hell fish" to muddy the waters of the Great Lakes?

01 Exotic fish that muddy the waters of the Great Lakes include "stowaways" and pet fish releases

Located in the middle of the North American continent, the Great Lakes are the world's largest group of freshwater lakes, formed by glaciation, known as the "Mediterranean of North America". The beautiful scenery, rich in fishing and mineral resources, and numerous natural and artificial harbors make it an important channel for communication between industry and agriculture in the region and the outside world.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

During the navigation period from April to December every year, ships of all sizes gather in the Great Lakes from all over the world, and while transporting all kinds of goods, they also inadvertently introduce groups of "stowaways".

As ships came and went, more and more fish native to the Black and Caspian Seas were brought into the Great Lakes region and then spread along the rivers to all parts of the United States. In addition, some of the exotic fish found were put into the lake as bait by anglers, and some were originally pets and later released by their owners.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

02 After blackfish are smuggled into the United States, they crowd local waters and kill native fish, and frogfish are on the verge of extinction

Blackfish have had a place in folklore since ancient times, and their reputation may come from their tenacious vitality, which can survive long periods of water scarcity if kept moist. This leads people to believe that this fish has magical "powers". In Eastern countries, they often appear on people's tables and become one of the most popular high-grade suitable fish.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

Blackfish are so amazing that they survive for a long time without water, in fact, because their special respiratory gills are different from other fish. They have a pair of air cavities in the gill chamber connected to the throat, and their internal epidermis holds air and has many small parts to increase the epidermal area for conversion into oxygen.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

In 2002, Blackfish first appeared in U.S. news reports. Their unique appearance, fierce habits and tenacious vitality really cause headaches for North American people. To this end, in 2004, a horror film "Frankenstein" based on the black fish was released, and the black fish in the film was huge and became a man-eating monster.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

After the blackfish immigrated to the United States, it preyed on a large number of fish in American rivers and lakes, and had no natural enemies, and its reproductive ability was extremely strong, squeezing out the food resources of other carnivorous fish in local waters.

The worst blackfish disaster is Maryland, where some rivers have become extinct. Local residents have even poisoned some ponds in the state to eliminate the "hellfish".

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

In addition, the Americans have come up with many ways to deal with blackfish, such as herbicides and rotenone, electric fishing, net fishing, etc., which cost a lot of money but still cannot completely eradicate blackfish.

03 Does Blackfish have no natural enemies in China? A: We are

Such a rampant blackfish, do they have natural enemies in the rivers of China? Why hasn't it become a scourge in China's ecosystem? Maybe we are the biggest enemy of blackfish...

Crayfish dominate Australia, hairy crabs occupy the Thames, etc., the best solution to this situation is to introduce "foodies"!

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

04 Following the example of the mainland, in order to eliminate the hidden danger of blackfish, launch "chew it up", reward fish catch, fishing competition

How do invasive species taste? Can it stand at the table? Many environmentalists in the United States are trying to prove that blackfish does taste great!

Many gourmet masters have introduced a series of recipes for making black fish to teach people how to cook it more deliciously. In addition to enjoying the food, people also slice the fish, marinate it with seasonings, salt and paprika, and grill it directly on board while fishing, mixed with sandwiches, blackfish barbecue is a good choice.

The realistic version of "Fish Sla", the blackfish expedition to the United States turned into a hellfish, and it was useless to sprinkle drugs and electric catch

Despite the introduction of many environmental measures to reduce the harm caused by blackfish, the difference between Chinese and Western diets, people at the American table, people are used to eating with knives and forks, suddenly let them use knives and forks to eat fish, I am afraid it is difficult to accept.

In addition, the early development of industry in the United States, river pollution is serious, heavy metals in river water exceed the standard, fish living in the water, toxic substances accumulate in large quantities, which is why black fish are difficult to be served on the American table.

Therefore, there are too many invasive species, and it is not realistic to chew it up.

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