
If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

author:Farmer Ryoko

China has the message of "flowers bloom and become rich, bamboo reports peace". Because of its delicate stems and leaves, soft and elegant, rich bamboo charm, and auspicious meaning, it is deeply loved by people. Whether you like to raise flowers or not, you will keep a few at home. Although the cultivation of Fugui bamboo is relatively common, many flower friends do not raise well and cannot live.

If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

Fugui bamboo is very adaptable, why is it prone to the problem of rotten roots and yellow leaves? Is feng shui bad? Or is it destiny not to raise flowers? Neither actually. Whether it is rich bamboo, or other flowers. If it has not been raised well and cannot be fed, it is necessary to analyze whether the way of maintenance is in line with the growth habits of the plant. For example, the rotten roots and yellow leaves of Fugui bamboo are not its own problems, but because of the wrong maintenance method, the plant cannot grow normally.

First, insufficient light causes the leaves to turn yellow

As we all know, Fugui bamboo is native to tropical Asia where the light is not strong, and has grown in such an environment since childhood, and has forged the growth habit of plants with low demand for light and shade-loving. If placed in a position where strong light is directly irradiated, the leaves will be yellow, greened and burned due to exposure to the sun. If placed in a poorly lit location, the plant will grow due to the inability to photosynthesize and the leaves will turn yellow.

If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

If you want to be evergreen and beautiful in all seasons, you must place it in the position of scattered light to maintain, high temperature summer needs less light, cold winter needs more light. The rich bamboo maintained in this way can not only continuously photosynthesize to produce chlorophyll, but also avoid the problem of exposure to yellow leaves.

Second, too much water and fertilizer will lead to root rot

Fugui bamboo is a fertilizer-tolerant and moisture-tolerant plant, but when maintaining, flower friends either do not fertilize at all, resulting in poor plant growth. Either too much fertilization is applied, which leads to root rot. If the way of maintenance is not corrected in time, the plant will soon "hang". Not only can you not enjoy the emerald green scenery, but it also affects the mood of raising flowers.

If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

In order to grow vigorously and bring the beautiful meaning of "bamboo peace", it is necessary to carry out water and fertilizer conservation that conforms to the growth habits of plants. For the need for water, Fugui bamboo is indeed resistant to moisture, but there is a chance that the soil will accumulate water. Because when the soil moisture is too high, it will affect the respiration of the roots, and over time it will lead to root rot.

So, be sure to wait until the soil dries out before watering. If the ambient air is dry, it is recommended to maintain humidity by spraying water on the foliar surface. For nutritional needs, Fugui bamboo is resistant to fertilizer, but too much will burn the roots. Therefore, in spring and summer, fertilize once every 20 days or so, and use the nutrient solution of foliage plants, which is convenient and cheap.

If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

Third, the temperature is too low and the plant is frozen

The temperature in tropical Asia is relatively warm, rich and noble grow in such an environment, has formed a warm-loving growth habit, the growth temperature is between 18~24 °C, the minimum wintering temperature can not be lower than 13 °C, otherwise there will be frost damage, manifested as rotten roots and yellow leaves.

How to keep warm in winter? First of all, it needs to be placed in a warm environment and avoid the wind. Secondly, it is necessary to control water and stop fertilizer, water control is to reduce the number of watering, and stop fertilizer is no longer fertilized. Finally, it is necessary to ensure that the scattered light is illuminated every day, which can increase the temperature of the maintenance environment.

If you want to be rich and precious bamboo "bamboo report peace", you must do these 3 things well, otherwise the meaning is not good and ugly

Fugui bamboo can not only bring the beautiful meaning of "bamboo peace", but also purify the indoor air. For example, when the indoor is relatively dry, raising a few more rich bamboo trees can improve the dry humidity of the air. If you want to double the effect of meaning beauty and air purification, you must do the above 3 steps of maintenance.

#中国地道风物 #

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