
Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

author:Floral space

There are 4 fears of raising money trees in winter, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

If you like lazy flowers, it is better to choose a pot of money tree, it is a proper lazy flower, its underground root system is different from other flowers and plants, there is a root block and capillary root composition, can store excess water, half a month earlier without watering, or often travel, no time to take care of, will not affect growth, will continue to be green.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

But raising money trees light watering is not enough, pay attention to temperature, light, fertilizer, soil and other issues, understand its growth habits, it is easier to raise a pot of high-quality money trees, such as raising money trees in winter is prone to yellowing of leaves, then you need to avoid these four points.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

First, fear of freezing

Money trees like to grow in a warm environment, the most suitable temperature for growth is 20 to 32 degrees, the temperature in winter is very low, outdoors, basically can not reach more than 20 degrees, so try to move indoors, put in the right temperature. When the temperature is below 10 degrees, it may stop growing and enter the dormant period, so be careful not to suffer frostbite.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

Second, I am afraid of watering too much

Money tree is also a super drought-tolerant plant, frequent watering, make the soil slightly drier, will not cause an impact, but if watering occurs too frequently, stagnant water will cause root rot, which will also be manifested in leaf shedding, yellow leaves do not grow, etc.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

So if you find that the money tree has these symptoms, you can see if it is root rot caused by excessive watering?

Especially in winter, when the temperature is below 10 degrees, be sure to water less and pick up water once a month when the weather is clear.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

The third point is that I am afraid of not pruning

Money tree is a relatively shear-tolerant plant, especially when the leaves are yellow and the growth is not ideal, the most afraid of not pruning. Never continue to keep such branches, it is easy to continue to absorb nutrients, take up space, and it is not easy to bud.

If the growth temperature is above 15 degrees, the yellowing branches and leaves can be cut off mercilessly, and the nutrients can flow back to the roots after cutting, which can promote it to sprout.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

Fourth, fear of lack of light

Money tree is a tropical plant, like to grow in a sunny environment, winter light is relatively soft, even if it is directly placed on the south windowsill or balcony, there will be no sunburn, but will increase the surrounding temperature, more can promote growth synthesis, chlorophyll synthesis nutrients back to the roots to promote germination. Therefore, I am most afraid of the lack of light, so I must avoid this and put it in a well-lit area in time.

Raise money trees in winter, there are 4 fears, avoid raising, young shoots continue to emerge, full of green leaves

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