
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,

author:Growing up and reading

Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today!

It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different!

According to the survey, most people say that silver carp is delicious, first of all, white carp is also called white carp, belongs to the order of carps, carps, and blue carp, grass carp, bighead carp, and called "four big fish".

The appearance of silver carp is spindle-shaped, with a typical feature, and its eyes are positioned lower than its mouth. There are also many suitable ways to eat silver carp, which can be braised or stewed, or made into sauce grilled fish. How do you make fish?

Friends who like to watch fish and like to eat fish, do you know how Figure 7 and Figure 8 define the name of this fish in your local area?

Let's organize the names of these fish in the form of text:

1, silver carp 2, grass carp 3, crucian carp 4, fathead fish 5, three scales 6, bream 7, carp 8, tilapia 9, white stripe fish, mandarin fish 11, black fish 12, loach fish 13, snail green 14, sea bass 15, Wuchang fish 16, mackerel 17, pipefish 18, sturgeon 19, catfish 20, eel

Picture these fish, do you know other different names? What fish do you parents have?

#Fish# #涨知识 #

Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,
Share 20 common freshwater fish species. Make it clear all at once today! It's delicious and affordable, so you'll know which fish to choose next time! Different fish tastes and cooking practices are different! According to the survey,

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