
In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

author:Rural Longyuan

#中国地道风物 #

In the hot summer, a cold purslane is not only refreshing to eat, but also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and cooling blood and stopping diarrhea. Moreover, purslane, a medicinal and edible annual succulent herb, can be found almost everywhere in vast rural areas. Whether it is next to the fields in the hometown or the vegetable garden, there is the growth of purslane, and spring and autumn are the best seasons for eating purslane, when the stems and leaves of purslane are tender and most suitable for eating.

Purslane, our hometown people call purslane, because the plant has long leaves Dorman crawls on the ground to grow, and the leaves are shaped like purslane, so most people call it purslane. At present, purslane has become a unique dish on the table of ordinary people, and the price is not low, and growers have seen considerable profits and have begun to form large-scale cultivation.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

There are many names for purslane, in some places it is called five-element grass, longevity vegetables, purslane vegetables, horse snake wrist vegetables, in short, there are many names for purslane, and each place is called differently. According to records, purslane is native to India, and only later spread around the world, and is now widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions around the world.

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by the Ming Dynasty Ming doctor Li Shizhen, it is recorded that "its leaf ratio is like a horse's tooth, and its sex is smooth and sharp like amaranth", so it is called purslane.
In the "Rescue of Wasteland Materia Medica", it is recorded, "A five-element grass with its green leaves, red stems, yellow flowers, white roots, and black seeds. "It can be said that the five-element grass is purslane.

Purslane is a plant with strong adaptability to climate environment, and the seeds can germinate and grow normally in the range of 4.0~8.0PH value. The growing purslane is mostly distributed in a flat lying upward branch, hairless and smooth growth state. Practice has proved that the cultivation of purslane is the most suitable for sandy soil, which has good air permeability and is conducive to the planting of purslane.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

The most suitable temperature for growth of purslane is between 20~30 degrees, and when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees, it is necessary to sow seeds in stages, so that the advantage of planting is to lay the foundation for the future market. In the actual planting, it is better to choose Qingjing varieties, live broadcast and transplant in the open after the late frost in spring, or use the annual planting of protected areas, and the Jiangnan area can also use Yangqi and small arches in winter and shade nets in summer.

Purslane requires sufficient nitrogen and potassium fertilizer during the growth period, and because the stems and leaves store a lot of water, the regenerative ability is particularly strong, and both planting in shade and less sun plots can obtain considerable yields.

In order to maximize the commercialization of purslane planting, the selection of planting plots requires fertile soil, unpolluted soil, suitable humidity, good ventilation, and convenient drainage and irrigation for planting. Before planting, the plot should be deeply ploughed, about 20 cm is appropriate, after applying an appropriate amount of organic fertilizer, plough and rake evenly, and then make about 80 furrows and water enough.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

Open field planting is divided into spring and autumn nodes, and planting can be done by direct broadcast and seedling transplanting. Spring planting takes place around mid-April, and autumn planting takes place in early October. When sowing seeds, the seeds need to be treated first, the seeds can be soaked in 0.15% natural brassinolide emulsion according to 2000 times liquid for 8 hours, and after the soaking time is enough, the seeds need to be drained and washed and dried with clean water. Then mix with three times the weight of the seed fine sand and stir well, and you can start sowing. After sowing, cover the furrow with a layer of fine soil and water immediately, when the temperature is low, you can cover the mulch film to warm and moisturize the soil, purslane can generally emerge within 48 days after sowing, if the mulch film is used when sowing the seeds, remember to peel the film within 3 days. When the seedlings grow to 5~7 cm, the seedlings can be separated and the seedlings can be moved.

Under the suitable conditions of sufficient water and fertilizer environment, purslane will grow well, so it is necessary to supplement water and fertilizer in time during the growth cycle of purslane. In the seedling stage, water as much as possible, water less after the plant is grown, and remove stagnant water in time in the rainy season to avoid causing diseases. The first top dressing should be carried out after 15 days of planting of purslane, and then each harvest of top dressing and watering, top dressing should not be too much, mu nitrogen fertilizer should not exceed 2.5 kg.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

Portulaca oleracea also has a lot of plants have no characteristics, the use of aerial stems can be used as cuttings, cuttings if the branches are too long can be truncated into multiple cuttings, cuttings with 5 pairs of true leaves, branch length 12 ~ 15 cm top branch survival rate is high. Purslane loves wetness and does not like waterlogging, whether it is cuttings or planting land, you must choose a plot with smooth drainage. The number of mu cuttings should not be too much, and the plant spacing should be 10 cm.

There are not many diseases and pests in purslane, mainly including beet moth, wild borer, snail and striated night moth. For the control of three pests of beet moth, striated night moth and wild borer, 10% methrin can be selected according to 2000 times liquid spray control. Snail control should be accurately controlled according to snail habits, snails like a humid environment, drought lurks during the day and appears at night, snails walk through the place will leave mucus traces, the use of quicklime sprinkled near purslane plants can prevent snails from harming purslane, can also be used ammonium water poison to kill snails, ammonium water according to 100 times the ratio.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

The main diseases of purslane are powdery mildew, white rust, standing blight, and cataplexy. The prevention and control of powdery mildew can be controlled by 70% methyltobutazine or rust nin, 50% carbendazim spray. The occurrence of white rust will make yellow patches appear on the leaves of purslane, and there will be white disease spots on the back of the leaves, and white powder will appear after the disease spots are ruptured, and 25% methyl cream will be used in the early stage of the disease according to 800 times liquid spray for control. Or use 58% retoxin manganese zinc 500 times liquid spray control. For standing blight and cataplexy to do a good job of prevention and control at low temperature, when the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, the high incidence of standing blight and cataplexy, in case of disease to timely prevention and control, seedling stage can be sprayed baking soda solution can prevent the occurrence of standing blight and cataplexy, but also promote the growth of purslane.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

Portulaca oleracea planting can be harvested in one shot or in batches. Remember not to apply the pesticide one month before harvesting, and the harvesting area is about 12 cm long before flowering. All stems and leaves can be collected in early spring, and the top part of the seedlings should be removed in time after budding, which can promote nutrition and facilitate the secondary development and growth of purslane, so as to lay the foundation for continuous harvesting of new stems and leaves. Harvest early rather than late, and the stems and leaves will become old and taste poor. Harvesting in batches should be done to pick large plants and leave small plants, so that it can form a planting and eating many times.

After flowering, the seeds usually mature in about 20 days! In order to prevent the seeds from falling off naturally, the purslane plants must be cut off half a month before flowering, or manually break off the stems of the flowers, put the harvested plants in the sun to dry, shake off the seeds with a dustpan and store them in bags for planting in the next year.

In-depth understanding of purslane, planting methods here, one planting and multiple harvests are economically efficient

Portulaca oleracea is a good medicinal and edible annual succulent plant, and the market value is relatively stable, and people like it, and friends with conditions can grow some for their own food and sell for money.

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