
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

author:Hehe Small
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

Natabor Timiluk

I only knew this beauty after watching the Thai drama "Three Faces Naga", and I was really attracted by the beauty of the heroine and the story inside!

Maybe after you watch it, you will also like to watch it, the story is very good!

Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

And it is said that "Three Faces of Naga" is a bit like our country's "The Legend of the White Snake", seriously, if you have seen it, you may also feel like it, and in the end she and the male protagonist were not able to be together!

Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

This costume magical romantic drama is indeed very good, you can watch it if you haven't seen it, and Natabor Timilluk's performance is even more wonderful, one person plays the triangle.

First a beautiful mortal, then an elegant snake queen and an ugly snake ghost, and finally in order to save the male lord and her mother, she can never change back into human form.

So the ending of the story is similar to "The Legend of the White Snake", the male protagonist is a monk, and the female protagonist is always in a serpentine form.

Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

It's still a very attractive film and television drama, so I watched it at that time, and I always felt that this ending was really unpleasant!

Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk
Thai goddess Natabor Timiluk

#韩剧泰剧迷 #

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