
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

author:Rural semi-farmer

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One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

NO.08 Flower cage

Aztekium ritteri, also known as the wrinkled bulb, is a succulent plant in the genus Aztekium in the cactus family, found in a small valley (Raines River Valley) in Nuevo Leon in northeastern Mexico.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

In 1928 the flower cage was written by Boedeker and named Echinocactus ritteri in honor of Friedrich Ritter. A few years later, he republished the flower cage as a new genus, named Aztekium, Chinese the name Oxypris.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

Native to the arid scrubland of semi-deserts and vertical cliffs of fragile limestone, the flower pitchers live in symbiosis with Lactobacillus Winter. Elsewhere, it is also reported to grow on similarly steep limestone.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

This plant seems to prefer north-facing slopes over sunny slopes. Some flower cage populations are protected by growing on hard-to-reach cliffs. But it remains threatened by illegal harvesting, as well as natural erosion processes.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

The pitcher is a tiny spherical cactus, rarely more than 5 cm in diameter and low in height, with 9 to 11 round ribs, which in turn are crossed by many horizontal grooves. Between these real ribs are small subribs that extend halfway through the plant body, which is also the origin of the wrinkled bulb of the flower pitcher.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

The color of the young plants in the flower cage is pale grass green with paleness, and the older plants tend to be more gray-green.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

The pitchers bloom smaller (less than 10 mm wide), from the apex of the plant, white to pink, and usually the outer petals have dark middle stripes. It blooms freely throughout the summer months. This is followed by small pink fruits, which when ripe open and release tiny seeds.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

The flower cage generally only uses seeds for propagation, although the seeds are easy to obtain and the germination rate is also high, but the management of the seedling stage is very difficult, and one can be cooked without paying attention.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

Cultivating flower cages is something that requires a lot of patience and takes a very long time to achieve. Usually domestic horticulture chooses grafting and propagation, generally using side bud grafting, and grafting of real seedlings is almost impossible.

One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri
One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

Grafted flower cages usually do not stool and will produce seedballs, especially grafted on triangular posts, and it does not take many years for grafted balls to grow to 10cm. Either way, raising a flower cage is a matter of patience.

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One of the four famous balls of prickly prickly ball - Aztekium ritteri

ps: The picture and text originate from the Internet, sorted out and released by the mysterious forest creation team, if there is any infringement, please contact the editor to delete. Welcome to comment and correct, welcome to forward, thank you for your attention.

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