
"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

author:Creative landscape

Alum root, when it comes to this name, many people may not have heard of it, but as soon as you see what it looks like, you will find that you must have seen it.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

About alum root

Heuchera micrantha, also known as coral bell, is a perennial hardy herbaceous flower with shallow roots. Leaves basal, broadly heart-shaped, 20–25 cm long, dark purple, evergreen in warm regions, flowers small, bell-shaped, 0.6–1.2 cm in diameter, red, symmetrical on both sides.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

Half shade, resistant to full light; Gardens are mostly used for understory flower landscape, ground cover, garden greening and so on. Flowering takes place from April to October. It is an ideal material for cebu flower gardens. It is also a perennial cedar flower introduced from abroad in recent years.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

Alum root has an extremely long flowering period and is easy to grow, making it one of the most popular garden plants.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

The most outstanding thing about alum root is the color of its leaves, and the back of the leaves of some varieties is also quite bright.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

In addition, the color of the leaves will vary richly in different seasons, environments and temperatures, so alum root is also known as God's overturned palette.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

The flower language of alum root is: foresee beautiful love, future.

In fact, mainly due to its leaves, the leaves of alum root will change according to the season and temperature, and the color will change, like the color palette, it has a high ornamental value.

And the flower language of alum root is to foresee beautiful love and future, and the vision of a better life. It mostly refers to people who continue to struggle and work to achieve a better future through their own hard work and wisdom.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

How to breed alum root

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

So how to cultivate alum root? Today, let's share a little method!

1. Planting time

Alum root is very adaptable, there is not much limit on planting time, spring and autumn planting can be.

It does not like high temperatures, so it cannot choose to plant in summer, and try not to plant in late spring and early autumn, and pay attention to shade when planting to prevent exposure to the sun.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

2. Soil requirements

Isogen has requirements for growing soil, growing well in loose, fertile, well-drained, nutrient-rich sandy loam, if you choose to plant on the ground, you should choose a flat terrain, well-drained fertile loose soil, pay attention to it can not be resistant to water and moisture, so the place selected must not be low injection easy to store water.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

Sort out the soil in advance, break the large stones, fine the soil, and then apply a small amount of well-rotted organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, and mix with the soil.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

3. Light and temperature

Alum root does not like humid growth environment and is suitable for semi-dry and wet environments. Alum root is hardy, yang-loving and shade-resistant, so adequate light conditions need to be ensured.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

Cultivated in the sun in winter, it is hardy and can grow at temperatures above -15°C. When the temperature is above 30 degrees, the growth stops.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

4. Watering

Follow the principle of "see dry and see wet". Alum root does not like too humid growing environment, so when the soil surface is in a dry state, then water, in the summer to control the amount of watering, scientific watering.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

Watering is a discipline, watering twice a week in the hottest time in summer (remember to shade properly), once a week in spring and autumn, once in half a month in winter, and not when the coldest days are the same. It is best to water the pot when the weight is significantly lighter. When the day is hottest, it is watered in the afternoon, cool at night to absorb water, avoid watering when it is the coldest day, please water in small amounts in the morning on sunny days to avoid water damage caused by frost at night.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

5、Insect repellent

Alum root is a newly introduced variety, so it rarely gets sick or grows bugs, and of course it is also possible to spray some common insecticides or carbendazim.

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden
"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden

The "leaf" color of the sultry alum root can continue to grow even in the winter that has arrived, so have you planted it in your garden?

"Raising Flowers" God's overturned palette - alum root, one of the favorite plants in the garden


Some pictures and materials in the article come from the Internet, invaded and deleted~

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