
Nordic Wind Moon (20): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student

author:Nordic model

Since the publication of the Nordic Wind Moon series, it has been warmly loved by many friends. Because the previous writing was all female, it caused the dissatisfaction of some friends, and the red dust passer-by a few days ago (author's note: it is the little sister who traveled Europe that was written in the third and fourth days of the Nordic Wind Moon before) said that I should write about men, not always women, suspected of gender discrimination, and equal rights.

I said that I am an ordinary male with normal personality orientation, and there is nothing to write about men. She said that she doesn't necessarily have to write about men, shemales, CDs, TSs, etc., there are more than seventy genders on Facebook, and you can write about it. I was speechless, so I suggested that she should be a good wife and mother, and not engage in these things. After all, China is not like the United States, and Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, who has no military experience, can become a four-star admiral. And I am a traditional Chinese Confucian doctor, how can I engage in this set?

Although I am a well-informed intellectual, I do have all kinds of hunting. She said no, you still have to write about men, otherwise I will provide you with some material. I said that I was not Pu Songling, and I set up a stall at the door to listen to people's stories. You're going to write your own series and start a series. She said no, in case she turned back and was discovered by her husband on the Internet like Little Bird Sauce, wouldn't it affect the harmonious and beautiful husband and wife relationship. I said that isn't it good to find out that my wife is an Internet celebrity...

But then again, a war of words is a war of words. These days, I really want to write about men. The reason is that I saw a news about a man who was unfortunately paralyzed because of a stroke, and was thrown at home by his wife and daughter for 8 days, starved to death, and the middle wife came back to see it once. As a result, the wife was sentenced to 4 years and the daughter was sentenced to 2 years, and the result was suspended after appeal. A group of people at the bottom commented, some people said that the quality of life has declined, and they can not earn money, and they will die early and give birth early. Some say that this is the end of licking the dog, licking to the last nothing, not good daughters are actually not their own, etc.

We outsiders can't comment on the internal affairs of people's couples, maybe it's people who have domestic violence and other insiders, after all, it is difficult for Qing officials to decide family affairs. It's like the domestic violence incident of a man who was very popular a while ago, but the police station forgave it after mediation. Later, an insider broke the news that in fact, the woman bullied her mother-in-law every day, and this time she also deliberately put up the camera to find trouble, and the previous video had a footage of her beating her mother-in-law. Therefore, this kind of news should still be cautious, if you do not understand the actual situation, try not to preconceive.

It's a bit far, but let's get back to the point.

Adi is my ex-friend, why is he an ex-friend, because he has broken it off. And since him, I have avoided those who have the property of licking dogs.

Adi was originally in a small city in the north, because his favorite goddess came to Stockholm, so he specially ran over to study for another master's degree. I didn't know about it at first. The reason I knew him was because he didn't have a house in the first place in Sjing, and it happened that I was studying at the time and my financial situation was not very good, so I thought about saving a little. And because he just moved out of Amy's student room, not long after arriving in the new place, there were not many people he knew, seeing him looking for a place to live on the Internet, I chatted with him and quickly reached an agreement to share a house. He came over and built a floor for two days, originally thinking of buying a second-hand folding bed or something, but then he just found that someone downstairs threw a very good mattress, so he picked it up and used it for him. Domestic friends may not understand this behavior, here is an explanation, in the Swedish student room when students graduate or change rooms, there are often a lot of good furniture, beds, cabinets and so on. After all, it can't be sold at a price, and many Swedes are too lazy to toss this matter. Many Chinese students have the experience of picking up furniture.

After sharing a house for a while, after all, they are all students, playing games and chatting together, it is more familiar. After getting acquainted, he revealed to me that chasing the goddess was not possible. At first, he didn't want to reveal his name, but then he talked a lot and gradually became clear. At that time, Adi was very infatuated. After drinking some beer, a boy with more than 170 pounds cried loudly. At the beginning, I also persuaded him, saying that the eldest husband has no wife, you have studied well, your career has been successful, and the sister has a lot, why hang yourself on this tree.

Nordic Wind Moon (20): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student

But sometimes if people admit death, the nine cows cannot be pulled back. I said then you will find a way to chase it, the girl is also alone outside, it is when you need care. How much you care and care, sincerity, gold and stone are open. He said that the girl had blocked him a long time ago, and hung up the phone as soon as he heard him. I said what are you doing, people hate you so much. He said that he didn't do anything, but as soon as he saw the girl, he felt that he was the type he liked. I always talked to someone, and then after a while I confessed, but the girl refused. Then there was an occasion where he was present, and the girl did not appear. There are not many Chinese small cities, and everyone knows about it when they come and go, and they generally don't tell him when they invite that girl. He's even more homely. And apparently otaku are even less attractive. So this is what we are in today.

I said that chasing girls can't rely on confession, it has to come to fruition, people don't like your words, confession is useless, I think both sides are interesting, contact more, chat together, travel, whatever, just gradually establish a relationship. He said that it was useless to say this now, and people ignored him.

In short, we had a chat without a ride, but this buddy is an infatuated seed, and he tries to find various opportunities to meet the girl every day. What to inquire about where people's classes are, to hang out downstairs in people's student rooms, and so on. In short, all kinds of annoying but ineffective methods have been tried.

I said buddy you can't do this, so sooner or later people have to call the police, you are harassment. He said what he could do, and people didn't pay attention to him. I say charm, charm, do you understand? Know which genre people like. Play to your strengths. Adi drank without speaking. I didn't continue.

Later, by coincidence, I met the girl and had a good chat, the girl was doing experiments every day, and life was boring and boring. We talked a lot, and she knew that Adi and I were roommates, but she didn't say anything, and I didn't mention it. Later, she complained to me about cervical pain and wanted to buy a latex pillow. When I went back, I told Adi to buy one for her. But Adi felt useless and said several times without buying it. I bought one myself and gave it to the girl. The girl was quite happy.

Later, I told her that Adi liked her, and after talking a few times, she basically didn't talk. Later, I said that the latex pillow was actually given to her by Adi. She said she wouldn't want it. I said forget it, you will give it to me, in fact, it is really the money I spent. Said a few times, she didn't throw it away anyway.

The turning point came on the girl's birthday, when I asked the girl to come to my side to celebrate her birthday, and I would buy her a birthday cake. Because Adi had already found a house and moved out by then, the girl agreed. Then I called Adi and asked him to buy a birthday present and show up, and then prepare for the afternoon. Then I said if you don't show up, I won't help you in the future. Then Adi finally broke out once and bought a big bear hug over. The girl reluctantly accepted.

Since then, Adi and the girl have barely started a relationship similar to a relationship. It would have been a pretty good ending. But in fact, the end result was that I broke off with Adi and had no contact with the girl. It's a complicated story. The basic experience is almost that although the girl and Adi are in love, they have always been awkward. Adi also felt that my relationship with the girl was a bit ambiguous, often made sarcastic remarks, and then gave the girl all kinds of shopping overtures. The girl was angry with him, and he said that the girl did not have a leg with me or something, anyway, it was very unpleasant, and it made me very annoyed. The details of this will not be specific. Anyway, since then I haven't cared about licking the dog.

More Nordic Model articles:

Nordic Wind Moon (16): The story of Tingting

Nordic Wind Moon (15): Swedish Erotica in the Eyes of an Ordinary International Student (Selected Contributions)

Nordic Wind Moon (2): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student (selected manuscript)

Nordic Wind Moon (XIII): Swedish Erotica in the Eyes of an Ordinary International Student (Selected Contributions)

Nordic Wind Moon (14): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student

Nordic Wind Moon (3): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student (selected manuscript)

Nordic Wind Moon (1): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student (come to engage in selection

Nordic Wind Moon (VIII): Swedish Erotica in the Eyes of an Ordinary International Student (Selected Contributions)

Nordic Wind Moon (4): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student (selected manuscript)

Nordic Wind Moon (IX): Swedish erotica in the eyes of an ordinary international student (come to get selected)

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