
Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are? As the name suggests, the whole body is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye

author:Breeze QaQ

Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are?

A nail mite as the name suggests is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye. It weighs only about 100 micrograms, but it can bear 1180 times its own weight, which is equivalent to you can pull two space shuttles!

Two shell lang scientific name dung beetle, its body size is very small, the length is between 5 ~ 30 mm, under normal circumstances can move the dung ball equivalent to 50 times its own weight.

Don't underestimate it, scientists have found that male shells can pull 1141 times their own weight, which is equivalent to you can pull six double-decker buses (full ride, without wheels) at the same time

Three halberd rhinoceros beetles, also known as Hercules beetles, is the bearer in the insect world, one of the longest beetles in the world, and one of the largest beetles in the world, up to 181 mm long and weighing about 150 grams Many people like to keep it as a pet, and the quality is relatively good for thousands of dollars

How strong is it, it can easily bite off a pencil and lift an object equivalent to 850 times its own weight, but I am skeptical, but Baidu Encyclopedia says so, then do the math

Take the maximum weight assumption 150g, you can lift an object 850 times the weight, 150×850 = 127500g, that is, you can lift 127.5kg? I can't lift even in a squat... [Tear Run] [Tear Run]

Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are? As the name suggests, the whole body is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye
Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are? As the name suggests, the whole body is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye
Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are? As the name suggests, the whole body is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye
Do you know what the three creatures with the greatest "power" are? As the name suggests, the whole body is covered with "armor", although it is only 0.2~1.4 mm long, it is difficult to observe with the naked eye

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