
After a little snowfall, if you like mustard greens, let's go

author:Poetic Alpine 9I

#暖冬生活记 #

Friends give some mustard greens every year, eat very delicious, winter rice, light and refreshing, especially like the sour taste!

This year, my friend said: It's too busy, give you some mustard greens to make yourself!

Good guy, a big project!

Such a mustard green, tinkering all morning, is only a preliminary cleaning!

In the afternoon, rub the mustard pimples and dice the leaves!

Boil a pot of water, blanch it, and put it in the jar!

There are still some shredded mustard greens left in the jar! Try to remember how my father looked when he was a child, and refer to the method of stir-fried mustard shredded greens introduced on the Internet! Fry the sesame seeds, add salt and roll them out to make sesame salt! Add oil to the large pepper of the pepper on low heat, put the mustard greens shredded, slowly stir-fry, watch the mustard greens soften, sprinkle with sesame salt and stir well, put it into the bottle while it is hot and seal!

Although it is the first time to make it, I am full of confidence and look forward to the company of delicious mustard greens in the winter!

It's winter, if you like mustard greens, let's go! It's not difficult, it's just a little tired!

After a little snowfall, if you like mustard greens, let's go
After a little snowfall, if you like mustard greens, let's go
After a little snowfall, if you like mustard greens, let's go

Author's business card: Hua hair has deep wrinkles on the head, and people know the dusk in middle age! Serve flowers and make cursive poetry book tea, leisurely leisure! Wait for the idle jokes and talk about the clouds, and ponder the three meals a day. Three two know how to make regular contact, walk around and be kind!

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