
What exactly is the agarwood powder used in TCM prescription? Can it be eaten or burned?

author:Qilu one point

  The recent agarwood craze has pushed agarwood to the cusp, causing a lot of controversy for a while. Agarwood has always been a symbol of status for ancient kings, and since ancient times, agarwood has been regarded as a treasure, with a charming aroma and calming effect. Agarwood powder is a powder made by processing and grinding natural raw materials, and after agarwood is ground into powder, does it still have value? What exactly is it for?

What exactly is the agarwood powder used in TCM prescription? Can it be eaten or burned?

  First, used as medicine

  As we all know, agarwood is a precious medicinal herb with a charming aroma, often accompanied by other medicinal herbs. According to the historical book "Chinese Medicine History", agarwood is yang and suny, and taking it can remove moisture, edema, poisonous gas, and open the ghosts of Lingtai Town. Therefore, agarwood is often hung as an accessory on the waist, one can strengthen the body, and the other can drive away evil and protect the body.

  After grinding agarwood into powder, it can be used as a powder or taken with water decoction. Long-term use can nourish the body and mind, make people calm and relaxed, and the health effect is very good. Especially for some friends who have sleep disorders or have very poor sleep quality, taking agarwood powder before going to bed can stabilize consciousness, promote sleep, and have a very good effect on insomnia.

What exactly is the agarwood powder used in TCM prescription? Can it be eaten or burned?

  Agarwood powder is often fried with other drugs. For example, agarwood with cloves can relieve pain, and has a miraous effect on cold vomiting, swelling pain, etc. In some proprietary Chinese medicine formula tables, we can see the existence of agarwood powder, which shows that its role is irreplaceable. However, you must follow the doctor's advice before taking the medicine, and remember to take it indiscriminately.

  2. Used for incense

  Agarwood powder is also one of the raw materials of thread incense, which can be made into thread incense or directly smoked. Mix agarwood powder with other incense powders to make incense seals. In this process, you can not only taste the different levels of agarwood, but also regulate the mind throughout the process. Watching the process of slowly burning the incense seal pattern can be said to be a pleasure. Immersed in the sweet and mellow aroma of agarwood, you can relax your whole body, enjoy your body and mind, and enjoy it very much.

What exactly is the agarwood powder used in TCM prescription? Can it be eaten or burned?

  For example, this Huian incense powder of Xiang Supreme, Huian agarwood has always been very outstanding in the industry, Vietnamese agarwood, Hainan agarwood belong to the Huian department, has always been the category pursued by senior fragrance friends. This fragrance is smoked in the furnace, and the first smell of sweet smell goes straight to the nose, and at that moment the mind is calm, and all consciousness is gathered on the tip of the nose; After the fragrance slowly blooms, you feel that the body is slowly relaxing, sweet and rejuvenated, the mind is peaceful, and the heart is pure. End the day with the aroma and relax.

What exactly is the agarwood powder used in TCM prescription? Can it be eaten or burned?

  In fact, whether it is agarwood or agarwood powder, it is very beneficial to people's bodies. For incense friends who have just entered the industry, you can start with incense powder, slowly feel the culture of incense, feel the layering of agarwood aroma, and better exercise your sense of smell. Feel the fragrance characteristics of agarwood in different production areas, and it is more convenient not to be deceived when marrying agarwood bracelets and other products in the future. At present, there are many counterfeits of agarwood bracelets and agarwood products on the market, and it is also recommended that you choose a reliable merchant at the stage of understanding the incense road. Fragrant Supreme Agarwood has a wide range of ingredients, incense powder, or hand string pendants, which are designed to serve friends who love agarwood, and welcome all friends who love agarwood to study the incense path together.

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