
An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

author:Micro on the tree
An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

A fresh and timeless world, a poetic space to wander in nature, a adventure and adventure belonging to innocence and fantasy.

This is a fantasy story inspired by 10 original poems, sowing a seed of kindness, sympathy, dreams and discovery in small inches with imaginative language and plot, watered with joy and love, and a channel of light into the earth.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"


Harbin Press

Binding design

Micro Publishing on the Tree

Continental ISBN

ISBN 978-7-5484-6594-2

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

· This book has created an exclusive Baidu Encyclopedia entry

The author, Lu Lu, graduated from the Department of English and American Literature of Fudan University with a bachelor's degree, and later studied in the Department of Women's Studies at The Ohio State University in the United States, and obtained a professional interpretation certificate from the Gaobao College of Shanghai Overseas Chinese University.

He has worked as a publisher editor, a think tank researcher, and an NGO volunteer, and is now working as a professional Chinese-English conference interpreter and translator.

He enjoys reading, writing, and working with words.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"


Content and excerpts

The laughter of the earth

The earth grinned

Hot springs of flowers gushing out of laughter

One, two, three

One, two, three

It was as if the sun had been planted in the ground

Teeth as sweet as corn juice

It's like grass puffing out its cheeks

Blow out colorful soap bubbles

Or the roots painted the toes

Nail polish with rainbow and spring rain?

Flowers dance briskly hand in arm

The earth is the gramophone of flowers

On the stylus of day and night

Spin them

Flaming laughter

Laughter like the waves

Same as nap

Heavy laughter

One, two, three

One, two, three

The earth flowed apples in laughter

Flowing sesame seeds

Orchards that flow out cherries, out of paddies, out of the sea

Undulating on the skirt of the flower.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

Ruka and the snail's kiss

Ruka's home has a small vegetable garden filled with plucking tomatoes, sweet peppers, long beans, cucumbers and okra. One day, Ruka came to the small vegetable garden, and under a watery leaf, a small snail was crying softly, its tears were bright, falling into the black soil, like a small pond made of glass. Ruka pulled away the leaves and was about to water them, when the little snail suddenly burst into tears, startling Ruka.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Ruka kindly asked the snail.

The little snail opened its mouth as big as the tip of a needle and said something as small as the tip of a needle, which Ruka could not understand. The more Ruka couldn't understand, the more the little snail cried. Ruka almost put his ear to the ground before he understood what the little snail was saying.

It turned out that it was saying: "I am an unlucky snail, can you kiss me?" ”

These two things sound ridiculous to Ruka.

He asked, "Why are you unlucky?" Why should I kiss you? ”

The little snail replied, "No one kissed me, so I was unlucky." ”

What is the truth of this?

Ruka asked again, "But... Why should I kiss you? ”

The little snail seems to be stumped by this question, and it is also thinking hard about it:

"Why, why, why, why, why, why... Why are you kissing me? ”

After countless whys, the little snail still didn't answer, so it cried again, and its eyes on its head drenched Ruka's shoes like a watering can.

Ruka hoped that the little snail would stop crying, so he said something very courageous:

"Don't cry, I'll just kiss you!"

You know, Ruka doesn't like kissing snails at all, because snails are slimy and slippery, like a disgusting snot dragging itself around on the ground.

The little snail immediately stopped crying when it heard this, it stretched its neck long, its eyes widened, and its small mouth bulged round, waiting for Ruka's promised kiss.

Ruka wanted to back off, but was embarrassed. He had to shrink his neck short, his eyes closed, his mouth flat, and kiss the little snail like this.

By the time Ruka opened his eyes, the little snail was gone, and only its glass-like tears were still hanging on the tips of the leaves.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

A few days later, a little girl named Newnew came to Ruka's class. She had four trumpet-like braids on her head and a large, round red school bag on her back, which she carried all day and refused to put down. She was slow to do everything — slow to walk, slow to eat, slow to draw, slow to count, slow to read, slow to sneeze. Girls don't like to play with her because she moves too slowly. Boys like to pull her braids to play and make her cry. The teacher also had a headache because she spoke so quietly that she couldn't hear it clearly.

Strangely, Ruka was the only one in the class who could hear what Newnu was saying, so Newnu always liked to follow Ruka, like his little tail. But Ruka annoyed her, and in order to get rid of Newnew, Ruka always ran with his legs, running faster than the spring rabbit. But Ruka always wondered how far Nu had been thrown behind him, so he would rush back like a rocket. Each time, he found that Newnew was always grinning at him in the same place, not moving at all! This really made Rukanunyu a little bit out of rut.

One day the teacher took the children in Ruka's class on an outing in the field, and Newnu followed Ruka and called him:

"Ru-ka! Wait-wait-wait-me! ”

Nu Nu spoke slowly, and a sentence was like a glutinous rice ball stuck to her teeth, and it took a long time to spit out. The other children went to the lake to see the ducks, and Ruka also wanted to play with them, not with Newny, so he ran away with a cigarette. But as soon as he ran to the lake, it started raining, and the teacher quickly told everyone to find a place to hide from the rain, but found that only Newty was missing.

Ruka immediately volunteered: "I know where she is, I'll go find her!" As he said, he had already rushed into the rain. But this time, for some reason, Newnyu was no longer in the same place, and only her big and round red school bag was sitting alone on the ground, drenched in rain into a falling soup chicken.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier, Ruka wiped the rain from his face and shouted loudly around:

"Newty, where are you? Don't be afraid, I'm coming! ”

No one around answered him, but from his feet came a voice that only Ruka could hear:


Ruka looked down and looked, only Newny's red bag, and there was no one.

So he shouted again:

"Newny, where are you?"


This voice was obviously coming from the red bag. Ruka was wondering what was going on, when the bag suddenly opened, and Newnyus's horned braid popped out first, then her round face with a grin.


Before Ruka could react, Newnu reached out and pulled him into his bag. In this way, Ruka was somehow forced into his bag by New York.

Ruka then found out that there was a hole in Newnew's bag! Here, there is a small room with small stools, small tables, small wooden beds, small bookshelves, and a small door in the ceiling. It is like a small garden, the windows are crawling with hanging bell flowers, hummingbirds as small as bees flap their wings and are busy collecting honey, and the walls are covered with emerald leaves, which hide emerald fruits. The house is lush and full of birds. I heard the heavy rain banging on the door and hitting the window, but the room was dry, and so was he doing, as if it wasn't raining at all.

"Where is this?" Ruka asked Newyu with her mouth wide open.

"This – this – it is – my – home."

Newnew said as he slowly pulled a steering wheel out of the wall below the window. Like a skilled captain, she turned the steering wheel and started her schoolbag boat. Her four pigtails suddenly stretched long like antennas, turning into four tall periscopes sticking out from the ceiling to navigate for Newnew.

Ride the windswept train and dance underground with flowers;

Get into the little snail's bag and chase a good meal in the clouds;

Help the amnesiac clock and find the Moon Bunny in star boots;

Go deep into the mysterious woods hut, ride the garden train full of Xiaoding, and protect the strange seeds of the green mother-in-law;

Touch the justice and secrets that the legendary Captain Nautilus held with his life.

"Captain Nautilus" revolves around the little boy Ruka's series of fantasy journeys, depicting a link between truth, goodness and beauty that connects man and nature, man and family.

An adventure and adventure that belongs to innocence and fantasy - "Captain Nautilus"


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