
Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

author:Help Byster Group
Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

Recently, when Xiamen Customs carried out normal supervision of imported car containers, it found that there were "black widow" spiders in the containers.

Over the years, customs officers have intercepted everything from bacteria and viruses to protected animals, but this spider species known as "Black Widow" is a bit scary.

Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

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Black Widow Spider - Deadly toxicity

Black widow spider is actually a general term for a class of spiders. Refers to spiders of all genus Coulds. The appearance characteristics of spiders look very similar, basically all black, with red spots on the back, and are relatively neatly arranged. One of the most venomous spiders in the world, it has a strong neurotoxin and is ten times more toxic than a rattlesnake.

Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

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If bitten by a black widow spider, the wound will be severely painful, pale, red or urticaria, and the toxicity will immediately spread to the abdomen, thighs, waist, etc., paralysis will lead to breathing difficulties, if not treated in time, may lead to death!

Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

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Black Widow Spider - Ability to reproduce

As an invasive species, the black widow spider is the most feared in addition to its deadly toxicity. Black widow spiders can live up to 3 years, and female spiders are more than half the size of male spiders.

As soon as the breeding period is over, the male spider will immediately escape, and if it does not escape fast enough, it may be eaten by the female black widow spider. And females only need to mate once in a lifetime to continuously produce fertilized eggs.

There are 200-900 eggs in one oocyst. In just 30 days, it develops and is hatched. It only takes 3 months for the adults to hatch for the offspring to reproduce. Once it fully mates and lays eggs, it can seriously damage the continent to the ecosystem, affecting people's normal life.

Wary! "Black Widow" spider - deadly toxicity

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Pests such as fire ants, fushou snails, pine wood nematodes are invasive alien species, precisely because such invasive species are harmful, and due to the lack of natural enemies to restrict, if not stopped in time, they will grow wantonly into new dominant harmful species in the local area, causing irreversible damage to our ecosystem.

If you are accidentally bitten by an unknown insect, do not delay, go to the hospital as soon as possible, and take photos or note the obvious characteristics of the insect, so that the doctor can prescribe the right medicine and the follow-up investigation of the unknown insect by professionals.

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