
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes

author:Anti-cult in Yunzhou District, Datong, Shanxi

#男子常吃生腌食品患肝吸虫病 #

Beware of parasites! Don't eat these foods raw!

Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes
Beware of these parasites invading your body! Men often eat raw pickled foods and suffer from liver flukes

Source: China Anti-Cult

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