
Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog

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The tricolor poison dart frog, also known as the ghost poison dart frog, is a genus of ghost poison dart frogs in the suborder Neopodidae, which has 3 species classifications: the three-colored poison dart frog, the spotted earth poison dart frog, and the green-striped ghost poison dart frog. It is about 2.7 cm long and is found in southwestern Ecuador and Peru in South America, where it inhabits various types of forests at altitudes of 150-1700 m. They prefer a humid, cool, airy environment and spend most of their time near streams.

Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog
Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog

There are three main colors of the whole body: red, white and black. Most poison dart frogs have a red background and white or black stripes or spots on their bodies. A few poison dart frogs have yellow-brown spots on their limbs, but most of them are mainly red, white and black, which is the origin of its name. Their skin produces a powerful toxin. It is shy by nature and basically hides in dense vegetation.

Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog
Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog

The poison dart frog is the most beautiful frog in the world and one of the most poisonous species. It is mainly found in tropical rainforests in Central and South America. They are small, with the smallest being only 1.5 centimeters, and individual species can reach 6 centimeters. The whole body is bright and colorful, often a combination of black, red, yellow, orange, green, blue and other colors, and the limbs are covered with scales. The poisonous glands scattered throughout their bodies produce some alkaloids that affect the nervous system, and some are very toxic.

Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog
Species encyclopedia: Tricolor poison dart frog

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