
Polar Ice Field-Great Quiet Animal Collection-Introduction to Children's Literature

author:Large Quiet Room

Dajing Animal Stories Collection - Children's literature

Polar ice sheets


A person will deal with a variety of animals as soon as he is born, and will encounter countless animals in his life, whether you are reading, or TV, movies will see various forms of animals, if you write them out is a very good story, we live a lot of animals on this planet, they or live in forests, grasslands, icy Antarctica and the Arctic, from the fiery Sahara Desert lizards, silver ants, to the magical volcanic island marine iguanas, many strange animals live on this planet.

These strange animals on the earth have no names, these names come from humans, and human beings due to different races and nationalities, these animals are also given a variety of names, but no one in the animals will know what they should be called, these only humans understand.

The Arctic and the Arctic, which is the strangest and coldest area of our planet, live the most tenacious life on Earth, and it is strange why there are polar bears in the Arctic and not in Antarctica, and penguins in Antarctica. The Arctic does not.

If we had a piano piece for Antarctica and North Pole, then their feelings would be the same, desolate, desert, white world, swimming white elves, ridiculous big white bears twisting their butts and trudging through the endless ocean formed by ice, there are only two seasons, winter and summer, animals eat each other you eat me, I eat you, this is also another form of group heating, once an animal disappears, it means that other animals are not far from disappearing, because they are interdependent, one less, The other side will starve to death.

The most amazing thing is that the birds there, when summer comes, they hurriedly fly in, lay a few eggs, and are busy hatching them quickly, and teaching them to fly, because in such a cold place, a bird that cannot fly means death, but how tight time is, as soon as the sky turns cold, these birds will quickly leave and fly to a warm place.

Terns fly 40,000 kilometers a year, and humans simply do not understand why these strange birds fly from the South Pole to the North Pole, and then fly back to the South Pole from the North Pole, just to hatch a few babies in the North Pole, and then fly to warm places with these babies.

Chapter One: Fleeing Birds

This forest fire came suddenly, maybe it was caused by heavy rain, lightning and thunderstorms last night, anyway, the animals in the forest have not studied physical chemistry, even Master Haqi has no time to explore the mystery of this fire, today he can't care about meditating on the tree, and it is important to run for his life.

In fact, the life of animals is much more painful than that of humans, and most animals work hard every day to find food, and only by eating can they survive.

The ant kingdom in the forest, the bee kingdom is the first victims of this fire, but those ants have dug deep tunnels underground, and the fire has raised the ant nest by a few degrees at most, and the large swarm of bees has no home, and begins to buzz and fly, and the honeycomb is engulfed by the fire in a while.

Most of the homes of those who live in the forest have been burned, one by one the lit nests are burning with flames falling from the trees, of course the birds can fly, those birds parents with their own little babies who can fly, but many small babies fly not far, parents have to wait patiently for them, fortunately, this fire is not big, burning slowly, this group of suffering birds dragged their mouths slowly and finally away from the fire, at this time most of these refugees stayed by the river, the air was humid there, and the fire could not pass.

In addition, there is plenty to eat by the river, enough for these birds to go down to the river and forage in the grass.

Clara flew with Allie and the children to the new home he built yesterday, this fire is still far from Clare's hometown, Clark is not worried at all, he is in a good mood to move today, but when the family arrives at the new home, they are still surprised, Cara's new home, the newly built nest is crowded with refugees, the birds who escaped from the fire.

These refugees actually included Mr. and Mrs. Phila, the beautiful girl in boots, and the secretary Oriole Yani, all of whom stayed in Kra's newly built nest, but they did not seem to know that this was Kra's new home, but they were glad that God had provided them with such a comfortable home.

Of course, unlike humans, birds have almost nothing but a nest, their property is on their bodies, and a beautiful feather is the biggest possession. Since everyone has nothing, they are not rich like people, and they are poor and destitute.

But food is also property, who wants food at this time, who is rich, so Clara took Allie and the children to the river to find something to eat, Kra, the old bird is very experienced in finding food, just at this time the river receded, a large number of fish began to float to the surface, Kra was walking by the river while catching fish in the river.

Kla watched those big salmon swimming past in front of him, his strength was limited, he couldn't catch them, and he was very frustrated.

At this time, I saw a bald eagle descending from the sky, he flew backwards to the flowing river, and quickly dragged a big fish out of the water and flew into the sky. His speed was amazing, and Kra couldn't help but look at it, thinking about why he was not born in such a home, if he was also like this sea eagle, then the problem of eating today would be solved.

At this moment, another big guy appeared, a big male bear appeared, Kra recognized him, it was the overlord Delta in this forest, Kara was not afraid of him, anyway, the bear could not fly, Delta could not catch him, but it was still careful, Kra took the child to fly to a beech tree and looked down at Delta.

Delta will not take these small points to heart, as a big man, he only talks to people who can compare with his own strength, so far, people are not counted, Delta has not met an opponent.

Delta went down to the river, the water is not deep, Delta took a few steps forward, fell into the deep water, although Delta is more than two meters tall, but in such deep water is nothing, Delta finally struggled out of the river, climbed to the shore, gasped, stood up, the whole body was wet, but Delta didn't care, filling the stomach is the last word.

At this moment, there is a group of salmon around Delta rushing upstream, Delta as long as he stands honestly on the shore, with a big mouth stretched, he can catch a big fish, at this time a big fish just jumped in front of Delta's eyes, Delta's mouth just opened, there was a strange wind blowing, a huge brown bald eagle swept over Delta's head, this is the bald eagle Layton, this is a true god who is not afraid of the sky, he usually does not care about Delta, in his eyes, Delta is nothing but a huge body, Compared to Leiden, Delta is clumsy and stupid, Leiton's dexterous body, wings about two meters wide, catching a fish in the river is almost like playing.

Delta watched this hateful bald eagle snatch the fish from his mouth, hating in his heart, this bandit, of course, Delta has known this sea eagle for a long time, I remember that the two played together when they were children, when Delta looked like a behemoth, and this little bald eagle was much weaker, now both have grown up, both have become giants of this forest, the two do not say hello when they meet, but one is in the sky, the other is on the ground, there are not many opportunities for intersection, and now Delta is hungry, I didn't care about fighting with Layton, so I had to wait patiently for the next opportunity.

Chapter Two: The Fatherly Love of Old Bear Delta

Delta finally took a very large fish into his mouth, so he walked to the shore, slowly tore open the fish, ready to eat, at this time the little bear Mai Card was behind him, Mai Card's mother Barley with his sister McGan stood far away, mother Barley has long reminded Mai Card, don't provoke the big brown bear, he is your father can't do it, indeed Delta is Mai Card's father, but for the bear, Mai Card is not his son, this is nothing, as long as no one grabs food from him.

Delta has no sense of responsibility and does not care about his son, but Delta sometimes inadvertently protects Barley and his children, and no one dares to bully Barley and the two bears in this forest as long as Delta is alive.

At this time, Mai Card quietly slipped past Delta's feet and bit the other end of the fish, Delta opened his eyes and looked angrily at this daring little guy, but suddenly Delta had a trace of tenderness in his heart, after all, this is his own flesh and bones, indeed Mai Card looks a bit like Delta, which makes Delta feel some kind of affection, Delta suddenly gave up the fish and turned back to the deep water.

Barley in the distance stared nervously at the game between father and son, which surprised her that the old man Delta actually did not make a move on Mai Card, this may be the role of fatherly love, Barley can't figure out the reason, his heart is sour, almost tears, but I am not Barley, I can't guess Barley's psychology at this time.

The animals in the forest were almost full, and this morning, the birds frightened by the fire ate a lot, perhaps all night without sleep, and when they were full, they took a nap in the trees.

Kra took the child back to his new home, his new home was still occupied by the Phila couple at this time, they were acquaintances, and Clara was embarrassed to drive them away immediately, and said that he did not have a real estate certificate to prove that this nest was his own, so he took the child to continue to find a new foothold in the tree, but coincidentally, he found a tree hole, not big, but can accommodate the children, so Clara let the child into the hole, and he and Allie stayed at the entrance of the cave, at this time it rained again, Clare and Allie were not afraid of rain, They are used to staying in the water, and this rain is nothing, but they are afraid of thunder and lightning, and last night a heavy rain caused a forest fire, and they still have palpitations when they think about it.

At this time, the forest is quiet, it seems that all the animals are sleeping, Kra also squinted and lay on the trunk, Allie snuggled next to Clare, Kra's body was warm, Allie fell asleep after a while, but all the birds in the world sleep with one eye open, one eye closed, their natural genetic genes are particularly sensitive, as long as there is a little movement immediately open their eyes and spread their wings and fly, that is, many birds die in the hands of hunters every year.

Besides, the little fox Simi and Leia, Simi took Leia to run to the place where the fire burned, originally unconscious, just fun, Simi grew so big and never saw what the fire in the forest looked like, and when he ran to the forest fire, he found that many trees were scorched by the fire, but the fire was gone, just the embers of some dead wood leaves were still smoking, Leia soon found a beehive, which flowed sweet honey, and the two hungry little foxes immediately stuck out their tongues and licked the honey, Leia found a family of voles in a hole, there were seven or eight fat voles, all burned to death, needless to say, these voles were enough for two little foxes to eat half full, and when they ate these delicacies, both of them were warm, so they continued to search, Simi found a burned half-cooked lizard, Leia found a large centipede, also dead.

Then continue to walk forward, found a hole under a burned tree, Simi used to pass by this tree every time did not find that there was a hole under the tree, this is a hole that is where people stay, Simi carefully drilled in, a big snake rushed out, Simi recognized at a glance that this was Mani, it turned out that this poisonous snake was not dead, but at this time Simi did not want to provoke Mani, he and Mani were also acquaintances, knowing that no one could win a real fight.

Chapter Three: The Chipmunk Meets the Little Fox

Simi hurriedly exited the cave, took Leia to run forward in a hurry, they came to the bottom of an oak tree, this big oak tree can be called the oak king of the forest, a fire just burned the dead branches and leaves around the oak tree, the big tree is too big, the fire can't help, just burn a lot of ripe acorns on the tree, semi-ripe acorns burn down a lot, Simi does not eat these acorns, Leia sees that Simi is not interested and does not eat.

But Simi discovers the two chipmunks who used to collect acorns here, Deta and Fanny, and the two chipmunks who had a tense relationship have changed their relationship because of this fire, and Deta always likes to sneak into Fanny's warehouse when Fanny is not at home to steal the acorns that Fanny has worked hard to find.

In order to overwinter, Fanny had to collect hundreds of acorns every year when the acorns were ripe, until the warehouse she had dug under the oak tree was full, and then Fanny thought that the warehouse was small and dug a new warehouse far away, so that Fanny had enough acorns to eat until the next summer.

Now that Deta and Fanny are well, they help Fanny check the acorns, the two divide the labor, and dig a larger warehouse, this warehouse is deeper underground, ordinary animals can't get in, only snakes can go in, so Fanny also has to prevent the big snake, that is, Mani, Mani will not be a good thing to go in, although he does not eat acorns, but he will eat chipmunks.

But said that Simi saw Fanny, thought that you are here, today is a good opportunity to catch, the surrounding grass is burned, chipmunks don't even have a place to hide, Simi even ran and rushed, all of a sudden to Fanny, Deta saw Simi so fierce, in order to show his manly bravery, suddenly stood up, spread his body, seemed to become twice as large at once, Deta's mouth was still puffed up, so that his head seemed to become a little bigger, but Simi didn't seem to see it, Deta quickly fled, Fanny is a veteran tree climber, a slip of smoke to the oak tree, this oak tree has a hole in Fanny, Fanny is a little girl, usually always make her home comfortable, it is stuffed with good things that Fanny picked up, like the feathers of bald sea eagles, and even a doll discarded by a child, a flower head rope, Fanny the chipmunk climbed the tree, standing outside the tree hole and looking at Simi's empty-handed and dejected appearance.

Deta sneaks up the tree from behind the big oak tree, crouches down next to Fanny, and looks at the silly-looking Simi under the tree.

Simi didn't like to waste time, and he took Leia around again. Usually the big forest is always lively, the chirping is the sound of birds, but a fire, surrounded by burnt trees, those unburned dead trees still smoking black smoke, the birds' homes are gone, the birds are flying away, and it becomes very quiet.

But said that the otter couple by the small river, Guy and Perfume, last night the fire set fire to the big trees and grass on the side of the river, dead leaves were set on fire, the branches with the flame fell into the river, and after a while the river became muddy, Guy and Perfume were frightened, and quickly fled for their lives, they also fled to the river that is now crowded with animal refugees, two little otters got into the water at once, there were a lot of fish in this river, and the two little guys were full, and then it was already dawn, and Guy was like coming home to see.

The two little otters ran home, and saw a large number of burnt black branches floating in the river, it seemed that they had to remove these branches first to stay safely, but their strength alone was not enough, Guy decided to find another river to settle a new home, so the two discussed and went upstream to the forest that had not been burned.

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