
How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

author:Read history books at night

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When it comes to Afghanistan, keywords such as war, poverty, and terrorist attacks often come to mind. However, what many people do not know is that in the 70s of the twentieth century, Afghanistan was still a calm and peaceful country. The photo below shows a few women passing by on the streets of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and their smiles can be seen as confident and energetic, and their dress is no different from that of women in developed countries of the same time. If the location is not specified, who can believe that it will be Afghanistan.

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

From the 70s of the twentieth century to today, most countries in the world have entered a period of rapid growth, but Afghanistan has turned from a calm and peaceful country to a purgatory on earth.

In 1919, Afghanistan gained independence from British colonial rule. For more than 50 years, Afghanistan was in a period of stable development.

In 1973, Daoud, then Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Afghanistan, believed that the Afghan royal family was too conservative and staged a coup to overthrow the royal family and form the Republic of Afghanistan.

However, what Daoud never expected was that just five years later, he himself was overthrown by the more radical Afghan People's Democratic Party. The nightmare of the Afghan people began in this coup known as the "Shar revolution."

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

After coming to power, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan began to implement a series of radical policies on the extreme left. But for the vast majority of people, both the far left and the far right are difficult to accept. As a result, the People's Democratic Party's reforms met with strong resistance from the Afghan people.

Ironically, this party under the banner of the people, after encountering widespread resistance from the people, did not reflect on its own problems, but asked the Soviet Union for help and asked the Soviet army to enter Afghanistan to suppress the people.

In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. In the face of the powerful Soviet army, the Afghan armed population was quickly killed. The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan has temporarily retained its ruling position.

If it is only this step, Afghanistan will be shrouded under the iron curtain at most, but it will not become a purgatory on earth, but the matter is far from over.

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan stopped doing it, and they all extended a helping hand to the armed people of Afghanistan. It was during this period that bin Laden, the leader of the world-famous terrorist organization, abandoned his billionaire life in Saudi Arabia and came to Afghanistan as an internationalist fighter to devote himself to the cause of resisting the Soviet invasion.

Under the competition of various forces, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was fought for 10 years. Afghanistan, which had been calm and peaceful, was devastated by war.

Beginning in 1988, Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan. In 1992, the Afghan People's Democratic Party collapsed. The Afghan people, who have experienced more than a decade of suffering, are about to usher in the dawn, but the results have backfired.

After the fall of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, the armed groups that had joined forces to resist the tyranny began to fight each other for their own interests, and the severity was greater than that of the Soviet invasion.

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

After four years of full-scale civil war, there is finally one force that is the final winner, and the name of this force is familiar to everyone, he is called the Taliban.

The Taliban is fundamentalist and committed to building "the purest Islamic state in the world." So this time the Afghan people are no longer facing a far-left or far-right line, but an extremist religious line.

Among the accepted values of the modern world, extreme religionism can be said to be quite anti-human. With the exception of a few fanatical believers, such values simply could not be accepted by others. Therefore, not long after the Taliban came to power, the forces that were previously defeated formed an alliance to jointly resist the Taliban, which is the "Northern Alliance".

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

In the years that followed, the war between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance continued. It was not until after 9/11 in 2001 that the Taliban were hit hard by the United States and its allies because of their affair with terrorist organizations, and they were crushed at once. Subsequently, under the auspices of the United Nations, Afghanistan became a new Government.

Many thought Afghanistan was finally about to turn around, but it wasn't over.

Soon after the formation of the new Afghan government, the Taliban made a comeback, and the Afghan civil war entered the 3.0 era.

Although the Afghan government army is supported by the United States and other Western countries and has advanced weapons, its combat effectiveness is very poor due to bureaucracy, corruption, and inefficient organization; Although the Taliban are backward in weapons, everyone has firm convictions, so their combat effectiveness is higher.

For more than a decade, Afghan government forces engaged in a tug-of-war with the Taliban, neither of which could eliminate the other.

How did Afghanistan, which was originally a calm and peaceful country, become a purgatory on earth?

With the passage of time, the United States finally realized that the Afghan government it supported was a "Dou", which had been supporting for more than a decade and smashed a huge amount of US dollars, but the result was still unable to support it. So the Americans decided to leave this mess alone, as it was called: let the Afghan people decide their own future.

In 2021, US troops withdrew from Afghanistan. Just days after the Americans left, the Taliban crushed government forces and seized power in Afghanistan.

After decades of suffering, Afghanistan is once again back to the Taliban era. What will Afghanistan look like in the future? Can we embark on the path of peaceful development? We'll just have to wait and see.

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