
Novice hamsters must be watched, otherwise it will harm the hamster! Many novices can't raise hamsters because they don't understand it, and there are many taboos to raising hamsters. Let's introduce the ten prohibitions of raising hamsters

author:Hamsters jump and dodge

Novice hamsters must be watched, otherwise it will harm the hamster! Many novices can't raise hamsters because they don't understand it, and there are many taboos to raising hamsters. Let's introduce the top 10 taboos of raising hamsters.

(1) Diet must pay attention: it is forbidden to feed people, the food eaten by people contains too much salt, fat and various flavorings, hamsters eat will cause a great burden on body organs.

(2) Do not bathe with water, light will cause colds, heavy will cause hamster death! Use hamster bath sand cleaning is fine.

(3) The hamster cage should not be too small, and it must be given appropriate space to move. Too small space can easily cause hamsters to gain weight, and it is also easy to get depression, affecting the life span of hamsters. The pygmy hamster needs a base cage of 47 to meet the standard, and a bear hamster needs a base cage of 60 to meet the standard, and it must be equipped with running wheels to give it enough exercise.

(4) Can not directly bask in the sun, hamsters are nocturnal animals, sun exposure is likely to cause blindness, summer sun exposure is also easy to cause hamsters heat stroke.

(5) Can not often feed melon seeds, although hamsters like to eat melon seeds, but the calories of melon seeds are relatively high, eating too much is easy to get hot and fat, affecting life.

(6) Hamsters cannot be cage-closed, hamsters are solitary animals, strong territorial awareness, same-sex hamsters are easy to hurt each other, and heterosexual hamsters are easy to reproduce.

(7) Do not give raw water to small hamsters, be sure to give them boiled cold boiled or distilled water. Otherwise, it is easy to cause hamster diarrhea!

(8) Air conditioners and fans cannot be blown against hamsters. Hamster is very afraid of heat and cold small animals, its suitable temperature is 20~28 °C, summer must pay attention to cooling, to prevent heat stroke. Pay attention to keeping warm in winter to prevent hamsters from pseudo-hibernation to death.

(9) Do not use newspaper and facial paper as bedding, too much newspaper ink, facial paper contains bleach, which will affect the health of hamsters.

(10) Pay attention to environmental hygiene to prevent the growth of bacteria and cause hamsters to get sick!

Novice hamsters must be watched, otherwise it will harm the hamster! Many novices can't raise hamsters because they don't understand it, and there are many taboos to raising hamsters. Let's introduce the ten prohibitions of raising hamsters
Novice hamsters must be watched, otherwise it will harm the hamster! Many novices can't raise hamsters because they don't understand it, and there are many taboos to raising hamsters. Let's introduce the ten prohibitions of raising hamsters
Novice hamsters must be watched, otherwise it will harm the hamster! Many novices can't raise hamsters because they don't understand it, and there are many taboos to raising hamsters. Let's introduce the ten prohibitions of raising hamsters

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