
A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

author:Universal Science Cats

Many people should "deeply experience" that under the small new crown virus, the world has been plunged into "panic", although human beings are constantly defending, but the continuous mutation of the virus is also occurring, making people "unpreventable".

So much so that after so many years, human beings still "helpless" to "completely remove" the new crown. However, a study published in Nature by Cornell University in New York has reignited human fears of the next pandemic.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

These studies clearly point out that the risk of viruses entering people is increasing exponentially under climate change. And this study is mainly based on habitat change, climate change and other factors, bats to the risk of human transmission of pathogens, in the process of improvement, what is going on?

Let's take a look at it, this study is also another warning that the greater disaster facing mankind may not yet come.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

As the planet changes and the risk of virus transmission to humans increases

In fact, even if we don't look at this study, we know that the emergence of climate warming will increase the risk of human exposure and viruses. Over the years, there has also been a lot of news about the release of climate-induced viruses.

Under global warming, the earth's glacial regions, whether it is Antarctica, Arctic, or plateau glaciers, permafrost, etc., the sleeping viruses and germs in these areas may be slowly released.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the bacteria sealed in it, the virus may still be "unknown", and the risk to humans is unpredictable.

To take a simple example, the French National Research Center found the Siberian broad-mouth tank virus in samples of permafrost in the Siberian region.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

The virus is the third super-large virus in the world, but you should know that the virus lived in the age of the prehistoric Neanderthals.

As a result, in modern society, we have even found it, and it has been sealed in the ice for more than 30,000 years. The scariest thing is that the virus can survive and still be infectious.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

This means that if the permafrost melts due to warming and industrial development in the Arctic, it may pose a risk to human public health.

Therefore, the earth's climate change is increasing the risk of viruses faced by human beings, and this possibility is getting higher and higher, mainly because human measures to deal with the climate have not been agreed, resulting in the earth's warming can continue to increase.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

Mankind is likely to break through the 1.5-degree temperature threshold for the first time in the next 5 years, so this is a disaster for mankind.

The United Nations also issued another warning at the 2022 meteorological conference that the earth is rapidly approaching the tipping point of climate change, and in the face of this global crisis that has hit the economy hard and shaken international relations, humanity must "cooperate or perish".

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

The Nature study warns again that climate change could drive the next pandemic, with the study warning that rising temperatures increase the risk of the virus spreading from bats.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Research warnings do illustrate this

Bats are viruses that carry an extremely large number of organisms, and a variety of zoonotic viruses are almost immune to infection themselves. The international research team has once again warned mankind that if we want to avoid another pandemic similar to the new coronavirus, we must respond to climate change.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

The research team issued a stark warning to humans by looking at 25 years of data on land use change and bat behavior in Australia's subtropical region between 1996 and 2020.

Large-scale use of land resources by humans has led to dramatic changes in the habitat of bats, while climate change has also led to food shortages for bats.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

In this case, bat populations have had to migrate to densely populated areas, which has led to increased contact between bats and humans and the spread of viruses.

Transmission of the virus in bats has been detected. For example, the outbreak of Hendra virus in Australia, in which bats spread to the body of the middle host horse and then to the human body, is most typically characterized by severe breathing difficulties and high mortality, so that it poses a risk to people.

So, under the influence of dual factors, the impact of bats on humans is increasing, and this study also identifies the mechanism between habitat loss, climate and increased spillover risk, and it is not surprising that in 2022, Hendra virus was detected in Queensland horses for the first time in Australia in five years.

So, for humans, such changes can bring us to the brink of even more danger. The climate has hit humans hard enough, and the spread of viruses is constantly increasing due to climate change and other factors, which are all mutual effects.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

This study also proves once again that a greater catastrophe for mankind is not yet coming, whether it is the impact of climate change or the impact of future viruses, it is a multiplication of the degree of risk, of course, the impact of climate may be a little greater.

Is there really nothing humans can do?

In fact, there is no way, we do not say that solving each country's own land problem, it is still possible to solve the climate problem. This is mainly to see whether everyone agrees and is determined to change.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

Over the years, many countries in the world have also signed "climate agreements", but many countries are "saying one thing and doing another". I don't care about such a thing at all, even if my country is facing a climate crisis, what I say is to protect the climate, and behind it is "chaos".

Including in 2021, when the new crown virus ravaged the world, did humanity awaken?

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

It can be said that there is no awakening, and the global greenhouse gas still hit a new high in 2021, with the concentration values of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide at 149%, 262% and 124% of the pre-industrial level in 1750, respectively.

Therefore, if there is no practical maintenance of the earth, otherwise this situation would not have occurred.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

Therefore, even if large-scale research shows that research warnings are published in the world, it is impossible to reverse them if human beings do not cooperate and maintain them together. Then a greater catastrophe is yet to come, and it is only a matter of time, and it may come sooner than expected.

Therefore, it is not that human beings have no way, but that human beings do not sincerely cooperate to maintain the earth, so in the end, they can only bear it themselves.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

It is not said that humans can reverse this situation at once, but at least humans need to act and see a little sign of improvement.

Therefore, these problems may become bottlenecks that restrict the continued development of human civilization. Many people may think that we could migrate to other planets, and that would be fine.

A bigger catastrophe yet to come? Warning: Climate increases bat virus transmission, humans have nothing to do?

Then again, a good earth, can not do the common maintenance of human beings, even if there are more planets, migrate to more planets, then the final outcome may be the same as the earth, this is essentially no difference.

Just like Guterres said at the UN climate conference, "We are fighting for our lives, but we have always failed", that is, human beings cannot "work together".


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