
Marlon apple "fruit" really works

author:Yunnan Net
Marlon apple "fruit" really works

Marlon Apple

From winning the silver award at the 13th Agricultural Expo in November 2017 to winning the silver award at the China Apple Industry High-quality Development Conference in 2020;

From the "earthy" apples that Malone locals love to the famous "golden" apples;

From being able to only enter the garden for picking and selling in the nearby market, to now it can be sold at home and abroad through "Internet +"... Malone apple has not only become a high-quality, pollution-free, green and ecological high-quality apple in the eyes of consumers, but also a "rich fruit" and "golden apple" in the eyes of apple farmers, and has also become a characteristic industry for agricultural transformation and upgrading cultivated and supported by Malong District.

Marlon apple "fruit" really works

Marlon apple "fruit" really works

"The high altitude, large temperature difference between day and night, and superior geographical location in Maron District have created Malone apples with mellow fruit, good quality and high nutritional value, and the sugar content of apples can reach more than 20 degrees. Marlon apple planting area belongs to the new apple planting area, whether it is planting management technology or planting concept is at the forefront, fruit farmers in the planting process is to plant beautiful fruit shape, natural sweetness, crisp sweet and fragrant, dense and storable high-quality apples, hoping to let consumers eat the original taste of apples. Zhang Yanming, senior agronomist of the Economic Crop Technology Extension Station in Malong District, introduced that up to now, the apple planting area in the region is 53,800 mu, of which the orchard area is 38,500 mu, the varieties are mainly early maturing varieties such as Longwei, Longga, and Honglu, and the appropriate allocation of medium-ripening varieties such as Yuhua Early Fu and Red General and late ripening varieties such as Yanfu series, the structure ratio of early, medium and late ripening varieties is 50%, 5% and 45% respectively, and it is expected to achieve an annual output of 50,000 tons and an output value of 400 million yuan.

Malone apples are released early and close late every year, and early varieties can be picked and marketed around July, and the harvesting period of fresh fruits of all varieties can last until the end of November. In recent years, with the gradual completion of supporting facilities such as cold storage and cold chain transportation, fruits with considerable output can be picked in the best ripening period and put into cold storage to preserve the best flavor and sell according to market demand, so many consumers say that Malone apples can be eaten in all seasons, which can be described as "fruits all year round, fresh fruits within half a year".

Marlon apple "fruit" really works

Marlon apple "fruit" really works

"I have been growing apples for 29 years, apple trees are three points and seven points, so we pay great attention to management, my more than 30 acres of apples are made of organic fertilizer and farm fertilizer, diseases and pests are carried out through biological control, but also to thin flowers and fruits, etc., so the apples taste good and ecological harmless." Every year, I can start picking early fruits from the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and I can pick late apples until the end of November. Coming to the orchard of Miao Yuanliang, an apple farmer in Miaojiatian Village, Malong District, Miao Yuanliang introduced while busy packing boxes of apples.

The apple base of Yunnan Jiadu Construction Co., Ltd. is a newly built and developed apple planting base in March 2020, with a cold storage that can accommodate more than 400 tons.

The person in charge of the base introduced that the total planting area of the base is 2,500 acres, the hanging fruit area is more than 1,300 acres, early ripening apples are picked from August every year, late ripening apples can be picked from October, apple production is very considerable and the market cycle is long, the construction of cold storage is to refrigerate and preserve the best taste of fresh fruit, can be combined with the actual market demand for flexible sales, to ensure the quality of fruits while ensuring income.

Over the years, Malong District has taken the initiative to adapt to the new situation and new stage of apple industry development, focusing on the characteristics of green ecology and excellent quality, emphasizing branding, scale and marketization, achieving unified brand, unified standard and unified packaging, and making every effort to create the "Malong Apple" brand. At the same time, it actively explores sales channels, integrates into the postal e-commerce platform sales, and sells products at home and abroad, effectively improving quality, strengthening brands, opening up markets, and increasing efficiency.

Yunnan network correspondent Zhang Rong

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