
It is said that money trees are afraid of watering too much, otherwise they love rotten roots, so how to water after winter? 1. The origin of the money tree is tropical Africa, which is relatively arid all year round, so the money tree is also relatively tolerant

author:Sister Rong's flower language

It is said that money trees are afraid of watering too much, otherwise they love rotten roots, so how to water after winter?

1. The origin of the money tree is tropical Africa, which is relatively arid all year round, so the money tree is also more drought-tolerant, and if it is watered too much, it is easy to have rotten roots.

2. After the beginning of winter, if there is no heating indoors, the temperature is relatively low, which belongs to the slow growth period of the money tree, in this case, the money tree needs less water. If you water more, it is easy to have stagnant water and rotten roots.

3, after the beginning of winter to water the money tree, you also need to water according to the indoor temperature, if the indoor temperature can reach more than 15 degrees, the money tree grows more vigorously, you can appropriately increase the number of watering, but the soil should also be dry.

4. There is no heating indoors, and the number of watering is less. And when watering, it is necessary to water at noon high temperature, in order to prevent the temperature from dropping at night, resulting in water accumulation in the pot and causing the money tree to rot.

5, to water the money tree, you also need to use slightly acidic water, if the local water belongs to alkaline water, you need to add ferrous sulfate to the water, that is, when watering the money tree, you can add a small amount of ferrous sulfate to the water to make the water slightly acidic. If the local water is slightly acidic, this can be ignored. #Sannong Observation Diary# #中国地道风物 #

It is said that money trees are afraid of watering too much, otherwise they love rotten roots, so how to water after winter? 1. The origin of the money tree is tropical Africa, which is relatively arid all year round, so the money tree is also relatively tolerant
It is said that money trees are afraid of watering too much, otherwise they love rotten roots, so how to water after winter? 1. The origin of the money tree is tropical Africa, which is relatively arid all year round, so the money tree is also relatively tolerant
It is said that money trees are afraid of watering too much, otherwise they love rotten roots, so how to water after winter? 1. The origin of the money tree is tropical Africa, which is relatively arid all year round, so the money tree is also relatively tolerant

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