
The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

author:Pomelo Mama Charging House

The stay-at-home mom who appears in the TV series always has a lot of stories. For example, Luo Zijun, who was cheated in "My First Half of Life", and Lily Huang, who was brainwashed by all-natural juice in "Thank You Doctor".


In the latest episode of "Thank You Doctor", Lily Huang, who was brainwashed by all-natural juice, is a full-time mother.

She first appeared in the emergency department, peddling all-natural juices she thought were miracle medicines.

She gave a product lecture to a middle-aged woman, saying that a cold and fever are a good thing, they are detoxifying, they can't take medicine, and taking medicine is not good for their health. How can it be good for the body? Supplementation is the key.

She took out the all-natural juice developed by her company based on the most cutting-edge results in the world, 4 kinds of highly nutritious fruits, rich in all vitamins and trace elements needed by the human body.

In the future, if you get sick, you don't need to run to the hospital, just drink all-natural juice...

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

Lily Huang's passionate speech was interrupted by the poisonous tongue doctor Bai Shu, and Lily Huang coughed while trying to convince Bai Shu:

According to the statistics of international authoritative organizations, 30% of the world's people die of adverse reactions to drugs.

The misdiagnosis rate of common diseases is as high as 27%, the misdiagnosis rate of major diseases is as high as 40%, and 85% of drugs are simply ineffective.

The best thing to do for patients is to minimize medical intervention, as 30%-40% of surgeries do not need to be done at all.

Although I don't know who this authoritative organization is, I don't know why, I just think this data is very bluffing!

Selling health products in the emergency department is really unique, and Lily Huang was quickly driven away by Bai Shu.

But not long after, Lily Huang was sent to the emergency department again, this time as a patient.

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

She had a high fever and difficulty breathing, which doctors diagnosed as a serious lung infection. Her husband said that if she hadn't been so ill now, he wouldn't have been able to get her to the hospital.

Lily Huang refused to get an injection for infusion, and her husband threatened divorce, so she did not unplug the infusion tube. She only believes in all-natural juice, feels that she is detoxifying when she is sick, and drinks all-natural juice from morning to night, and the result is still not good.

Lily Huang's love for all-natural juice has transcended her life. Not only did she drink it herself, but she also hoarded a lot of juice and thought of selling it to others.

Even in her hospital bed, she doesn't forget to sell her all-natural juice to doctors and nurses, her philosophy, because it's her business.

What is a career? Career is not about how much money you make, but about making your life rich and exciting. Lily Huang believes in her cause and works hard for it.


How many Lily Huang are around everyone, right?

She sells all-natural juice for 388 yuan a bottle, and if it weren't for the belief in the miraculous efficacy of fruit juice, no one would spend so much money drinking juice.

These expensive health care products sales, have a mature training system, from theory to practice, so that those who buy it are convinced and willing to promote.

In the first step, these products have a theoretical basis.

When selling, it will rely on certain medical knowledge, but it is only very superficial knowledge.

Just like Lily Huang talked about the data of authoritative institutions, health care is very important, nutrition is very important, cold and fever are detoxification...

Mixed true and false information, nonsense in the name of science, convince yourself.

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

The second step is to have theoretical knowledge to lay the foundation, followed by rich personal experience.

For example, Lily Huang said, everyone is drinking, is everyone stupid and deceived? It must be because of the good drink, everyone will continue to drink.

I have also been pulled over people's heads by health products, and the logic of preaching people is like this:

Science has confirmed that lutein is good for eyesight, and her family's three or five hundred bottles of certain nutritional products are rich in lutein.

After that, it came to personal experience, since the child ate it, the farsightedness reserve returned, the degree of myopia decreased, the eyes became brighter, the inflammation and redness healed.

You see, theory proves that there are benefits, practice proves that it is good, and what to hesitate, hurry up and buy, buy, buy!

The third step, to the end, to recruit people must rise to the level of value.

Lily Huang said that career is not about how much money you make, but about making your life rich and exciting.

People are not simply selling health care products, but spreading the concept of healthy life and bringing health to thousands of households.

So, they will feel that they are great, engaged in great things, and have a lot of income, so why not!

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

In this way, a complete sales chain is formed, diverging on the basis of science, and finally spreading to love and responsibility, so that the people in it are difficult to extricate themselves, and are brainwashed to a thorough.

In such a sales chain, full-time mothers similar to Lily Huang are the hardest hit, because every key link in the chain hits their soft spots.


The time of stay-at-home mothers is based on the time of their children, so they need time for free work, and Lily Huang sells juice is time freedom.

Stay-at-home moms want to make money with their own hands and get rid of the humble feeling of asking for money with their palms up; Stay-at-home moms want to prove their worth, and spreading the word about health, love and responsibility is what they can do.

Lily Huang was brainwashed by all-natural juice, because all-natural juice can help her make money and help her realize her self-worth, which is the last life-saving straw she grasped.

Many stay-at-home moms have had a similar confusion, where to find a job with free time and money?

The advertisements I have seen include but are not limited to: brushing, writing, dubbing, platform operation, health care products/cosmetics promotion, micro-business/MLM, psychological counselor/family education instructor, etc...

I have to say that the advertising is very tempting, the core is time freedom + making money + self-realization, look at the overwhelming advertising, you know how profitable this thing is.

The real money is not the Lily Huang who enters in waves, but the providers of these so-called careers, but unfortunately, Lily Huang does not realize this.

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

Going back to stay-at-home moms, they weren't brainwashed so easily in the first place. When they are in school, they may also be the top students in the class, they may have good academic qualifications and good jobs.

However, because they have to take care of their families and children, they leave the workplace and become full-time mothers of their husbands and children. Their battleground returns home from the workplace, and their horizons narrow from industry to family.

This is what is said in the TV series, full-time mothers are out of touch with society and do not get enough attention, which is easy to be brainwashed.

While this may be objective, it is not enough to define a stay-at-home mom, and no one can be defined by identity.

The woman who was brainwashed by the all-natural juice desperately grabbed the last straw

In fact, whether in the workplace or at home, you should look at the things around you with an inclusive attitude, otherwise you may be out of touch with society and fall into your own thinking.

Looking at Lily Huang, who refused infusion treatment on the screen, we, as viewers, can't wait to slap her awake and let her recognize reality when she went astray.

She needs to give up her obsession with all-natural juice and find a real way to realize her self-worth. Otherwise, even if she leaves the all-natural juice, there will be a series of brand new pits waiting for her to step on, such as dubbing, brushing, single micro-business writing, etc.!

Lily Huang has a right saying, to make your life rich and exciting.

There is a mother in the community, because she likes to arrange flowers, she uses her leisure time to buy flowers and repackage, opens a small online store, pushes a cart to set up a stall, and enjoys it every day.

Finding a healthy, happy and legal way to enrich life is the "career" that everyone should strive for!

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