
#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are silly and indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists


#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are stupidly indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists, lettuce is a type of lettuce, and the scientific name is leaf lettuce; There is also a kind of lettuce for stems, which is lettuce.

The hometown of lettuce, originally on the Mediterranean coast, was cultivated from wild vegetables. According to historical records, during the Sui Dynasty, envoys from the Kingdom of Ying (an ancient country in West Asia) came to China and brought some vegetable varieties with them. People paid a lot of money, asked for vegetables, and called them lettuce, and because of their high value, they named it "thousand golden vegetables". #Autumn Life Punch Season#

Lettuce is cold, and people with cold stomach should eat as little as possible to avoid aggravating the condition. Lettuce may also become an allergen for some allergic people, so people who are allergic to lettuce should not eat lettuce to avoid allergic symptoms such as skin redness, headaches, and asthma. Lettuce is sensitive to ethylene and is easy to induce brown spots, so avoid foods that emit ethylene such as apples or bananas when storing lettuce. #Find a Small Group Life Home#

Lettuce is prone to pesticide or fertilizer residues, so be sure to wash it if it is eaten raw. The alkaloids in the rice water can effectively dissolve the pesticide and fertilizer residues on the lettuce, so you can first soak the lettuce in the rice water for ten minutes, and then change the running water to rinse the lettuce.

#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are silly and indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists
#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are silly and indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists
#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are silly and indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists
#Record my autumn delicacies# Last time I wrote that lettuce and lettuce are silly and indistinguishable, in fact, lettuce is a variant of lettuce, and lettuce and oil wheat are also different varieties of lettuce. According to botanists

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