
Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

author:Green grass seed industry technology

Pine vanilla is native to the warm and humid high grasslands of central North America, introduced to the mainland from Korea in 1979, is a perennial goldenrod herb, high yield and high quality, dark green color, wide leaves, rich in various nutrients, especially crude protein content, livestock and poultry are more fond of good palatability.

First, the output is high

String leaf pine vanilla is a high-yield and high-quality forage, belongs to a variety of post-season erection, planting the first year of production is not obvious, but from the second year the yield increases significantly, planting generally about 45 days can be harvested, a year can be harvested 5~6 times, after each harvest to apply enough nitrogen fertilizer, timely irrigation when drought, will play a role in increasing yield.

Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

Second, the nutritional value is high

String leaf pine vanilla is brittle and juicy when young, the leaves are wide, its crude protein content is 26.78%, crude fat 3.51%, crude fiber 26.27%, etc., it is 10% higher than alfalfa in the nutrition period, and the crude protein content of dried stems and leaves after flowers is 10.7%, higher than corn and sorghum, rich in nutrition, feeding pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, etc., can be green feed or silage, but the silage effect is the best, silage is sea blue, pine smell, animals are more fond of food.

Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

Third, strong adaptability

String leaf pine vanilla is a long-lived perennial forage, when the cultivation management is excellent, it can be harvested continuously for 10~15 years, like warm and humid climate and fertile, deep soil soil, String leaf pine vanilla has wide adaptability, can safely winter in the north of the mainland, and can overwinter in the Yangtze River basin; It is resistant to cold and high temperature, can tolerate low temperatures at -38 °C, and can grow safely at an average daily temperature of 32.4 °C; Resistant to flooding, surface water for 1 month, plants can still grow slowly, like fertile, thick soil layer, well-drained sandy loam soil, but it is not resistant to barrenness, sensitive to acidic soil, suitable for soil cultivation with pH 6.5~7.5.

Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

Fourth, the growth temperature

After sowing the ground temperature of 6 ~ 8 °C will germinate, the average temperature after spring sowing is between 13 ~ 17 °C, it takes 15 ~ 20d to emerge, the required accumulated temperature is about 240 °C, the leaf layer of the string leaf pine vanilla is superimposed growth to form a rosette-like leaf bush, generally the year of spring sowing or the following year of autumn sowing from the formation of the 16th leaf after the formation of the pair grows, the branches of the string leaf pine vanilla are formed by the germination of rhizomes, generally the single underground part of the spring sown that year can form 7 ~ 8 oval rhizomes, Each rhizome has about 7 root shoots, and in the spring of the following year, 7~10 branches can germinate, of which the effective branches are about 70%, and the longer the general growth period, the more branches occur, so the yield increases significantly.

Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

5. Sowing time

Before sowing, each mu can apply 2500 kg of farm manure, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer, before sowing need to be soaked in 25-30 degrees warm water for 6 hours, drained to promote seed germination, spring sowing should be in early April, autumn sowing should be in mid-to-late September, row spacing 80cm, plant spacing about 60cm, the tip of the seed is down, one grain inserted into the soil, each hole is recommended to sow 3-5 seeds, the amount of seeds per mu is 200g, the depth of sowing is 2~3cm, and each kilogram of seed seedlings can be transplanted 10-20 acres.

Skewer pine vanilla is hardy and high-temperature resistant, and has high efficiency in feeding pigs and poultry, producing more than 15 tons of fresh grass per mu

If you want to know more about Pinus vanilla, pay attention to Green Grass Seed Industry!

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