
Xie Na shared the daily life with a baby, how sad is behind the full-time mother?

author:The more the father is parenting

I believe that everyone is very familiar with the female star Xie Na, since giving birth to three children, I wanted to quickly adjust my state and return to the stage, but I faced the embarrassment of the dissolution of the fast book.

After that, in another show, there was a hope of a hot comeback, but there is no shortage of old people in the entertainment industry, let alone newcomers, and the competition can be described as very fierce.

Recently, Xie Na shared her daily life with a baby on social platforms, talking about the current daily life status, away from the bright and beautiful screen and closer to the perspective of ordinary people.

Xie Na shared the daily life with a baby, how sad is behind the full-time mother?

As a mother of three, Xie Na will get up at 6 o'clock to serve the child to dress, eat, tie her hair, prepare everything, and then send her child to kindergarten.

When I got home, I had to take my little daughter to play in the park outside, and before I knew it, it was noon, and I had to learn a variety of children's favorite foods.

I believe that this is only a small part of Xie Na's experience in the process of raising a baby as a full-time mother, after all, for celebrities, they have enough financial means to choose a nanny, and bringing a baby will be relatively much easier.

But this is a minority after all, what is the life situation of stay-at-home mothers in more ordinary families? What are their heartaches that no one understands?

The life of a stay-at-home mom is a never-ending cycle.

Many dads feel that bringing a baby is a very easy thing, at least simpler than work, without pressure.

But the reality is to slap in the face, if you let the baby dad take the baby full-time for a day, many people will shout that they can't stand it.

Xie Na shared the daily life with a baby, how sad is behind the full-time mother?

In the morning, mixing milk powder, changing diapers, taking out the door to wander, buying vegetables, coaxing to sleep, thinking that I could finally take a break, as well as washing clothes and cleaning.

In the afternoon, cook, feed, coax to sleep, change diapers, mix milk powder, and take them out for a walk.

At night, cook, feed, go out, change diapers, sleep, wake up every two hours, and continue to repeat the day's work.

This is basically a full-time mother's day, every day is such an infinite cycle, there is no energy to think about what to wear and eat, more like a 24-hour on-call nanny, as long as the child cries, he must immediately be in place.

If the child has another headache and fever, the stay-at-home mother will have more to worry about, usually exhausted after a busy day.

In such a state of life, how many dads can stick to it? No matter how patient a man is, the longer he does it, the faster he will collapse.

Many people think that full-time mothers are very leisurely, it is a kind of pension, this kind of thinking is very wrong, what they do every day is very fragmentary, very repetitive, such a boring life, but also the most consuming of a person's spirit.

Stay-at-home moms stand in the way of life, but no one shelters herself.

A woman, for whatever reason, became a full-time mother, after all, she gave up her job, left the flower world, and returned to the family.

But what can a woman's regression and tolerance for her family and children ultimately bring to herself?

The life situation is becoming more and more passive, and the right to speak in the family is gradually lost.

Xie Na shared the daily life with a baby, how sad is behind the full-time mother?

After becoming a full-time mother, losing income, the elderly and husband have become the biggest financial support, daily living expenses are all open mouth to ask, to put it mildly, like a noble begging!

If you meet the kind of husband who does not understand his efforts at all, he can only retreat and endure in the face of various accusations, and even breathe carefully.

There is no economic income behind it, and there is no one else in front of you to shield you from the wind and rain, once you choose the road of full-time mother, you really can't retreat.

Third, the family's incomprehension and disrespect completely broke the last line of defense for stay-at-home mothers.

My son earns money, you still have to save a little.

It's okay don't spend money indiscriminately, the family expenses are too big.

How did you spend so much money this month?

I don't know how many stay-at-home mothers hear these words from the mouths of their family members, no matter how careful they are in their daily lives, they will not look at them, and occasionally a little indulgent, these people will immediately point fingers.

Let's say that stay-at-home moms are babysitters, no one wants to pay a salary;

Let's say that the full-time mother is a guest, and all the big and small housework must be done by herself;

Say that the stay-at-home mother is the master, and if you can't be the master, you will suffer humiliation.

Xie Na shared the daily life with a baby, how sad is behind the full-time mother?

I really don't know, what kind of mood should a stay-at-home mother use to survive in this family?

Having sacrificed everything, it was difficult to gain the understanding and respect of his family, and he suffered physically and mentally.

Two final words to all stay-at-home moms and women who are about to embark on this path:

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