
Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

author:Dongdongge is in stock

Joan. Crawford is one of the top ten film queens in Hollywood in the United States, known as the "super era movie fan idol". Her man from actor to director, agent to Pepsi chairman, married 5 in his life, semi-public lovers with Monroe and Garbo, habitual miscarriage caused lifelong infertility. She was born poor, won her life on her own, and became a superstar rising from the bottom! From stripper to the president's wife, known as the "Hollywood female gangster", Joan . What kind of female star is Crawford? What is the wonderful story of her love life and struggle?

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

First, the men and women she slept with

Crawford has a sculptural face that combines lines and faces, this face, very sexy and charming, exquisite facial features, full of coldness, 360 degrees of beauty without dead ends, is every man's dream lover!

Her adopted daughter also wrote in the book: Joan not only has countless boyfriends, but also entangles with women.

Under the age of 20, she went to Chicago alone to start her own acting career. But there are too many beautiful girls there, and she really can't do it, and she becomes a stripper.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

On Broadway, she had the opportunity to perform, and she met and got engaged to saxophonist James Welton. But the marriage was short, lasting only a few months before ending, the shortest of her marriages!

After the engagement, she fell in love with John Gilbert, but the man's love interest this time was Garbo.

In 1928, Joan married Douglas Jr., who was also an actor. Van Punk engaged. The Douglas family is very famous in Hollywood, and for this actress with a chaotic private life, the family is opposed to the union of the two. But Douglas eloped for love. Later, the family agreed to enroll, but was not allowed to have children.

After getting married, Douglas loved to read books and poetry and she herself liked to be lively, the two worked late every day, and when they returned home, they couldn't get used to Douglas's chatter, and the people in the family also had a lot of restrictions on Crawford, and the marriage could no longer be maintained!

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

Crawford married Thorn in 1936, but Crawford's strong personality made the man unbearable, and it was even rumored that she asked the man to kneel and beg for mercy. The man intends to let Crawford bump into him and have an affair, in order to end this unequal marriage.

At this time, Crawford divorced 2 times, fell into a trough in acting, and the fourth marriage may just be a way to profit flow, and it will not end soon.

The last marriage was to PepsiCo Chairman Fred A. Steele, once she thought the two would grow old, but within a few years, this would chair and die of illness, Fred Steele left her no legacy, and Crawford transformed the company into a business.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

Crawford's most striking thing is her bisexual identity. At the time she told the media:

"I love Garbo and I want to be gay."

Marilyn Monroe's conversation with psychologist Greenson was secretly recorded, in which Monroe said:

"We went to her bedroom together and she was shaking wildly, and the next time I saw her, she wanted to come again, but I refused."

II. and Betty. Davis' grudge

The story of Crawford and Betty was entangled in those years, and it became as if there was you without me, and there was me without you in the company!

Of course, the two are tearing each other apart for resources.

Betty Davis once said, "I hate Joan, she slept with every man at MGM." ”

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

She and Betty · Davis' vigorous war, later, this rip-off incident was also filmed into a 2017 super popular American drama "Nemesis: Betty and Joan".

Betty Davis once told reporters, "If Joan dies and goes to heaven, I will go to hell." ”

In fact, both of them had unfortunate childhoods, but Betty's mother loved her a little more, and her face was a little ordinary, relying on the model worker spirit of playing whatever role she needed, which gave her a certain status in the entertainment industry.

The entanglement between the two began with Betty's first newcomer press conference, when Crawford and Douglas Jr. appeared at the press conference, Betty was left aside by media reporters, and everyone flocked to Joan, who had just married, which laid the groundwork for the two to tie a bond.

When reporter Kwabetty's child is more beautiful than her adopted daughter, an angry Joan adopts two more cute babies.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

Unexpectedly, the other party directly choked: "Why, she went to the supermarket to buy children again?" ”

The two are also at war for boyfriends. According to Betty, she loved the handsome boy Thorn very much at that time, and Joan snatched Thorn away in order to get her, so that she divorced 4 years after grabbing it.

After the divorce, Joan jumped to Warner Bros. and did not want to be wronged, at this time Betty was a sister and was dying her husband. Joan didn't have a good word to comfort Betty, and also went around saying that Betty and her rejected boyfriend Hughes were caught by Betty's first husband in the affair.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

In Warner Bros. is Betty's territory, Joan is said to have gone to give Betty a gift as a newcomer, but was returned without wanting the gift. Betty said sarcastically, "This is too much like a lesbian thing!" ”

To work as a social worker during World War II, Joan worked in the canteen of Warner Bros. in charge of Betty, and when she was working, fans were looking for her to sign autographs, when Betty flashed over:

"Hello, Joan, you are very much needed in the kitchen right now, there are a lot of dishes to wash."

Third, the endless wonderful

Her mother ignored her and did not care, her mother's boyfriend saw her pitiful, sometimes put a dragon gate array with her, channeled and channeled her, which made her feel warm, in order to repay her mother's boyfriend, she was only 11 years old, and actually "took the initiative" to dedicate herself. At the age of 12, she was once sent to a convent by her mother and lived at school like the walking dead.

Crawford's mother had a chaotic life, and by the time she was 16, she had already met three fathers. She didn't know who her father was. She has a hard life, working odd jobs in laundries, singing in bars, working on pieces in factories...

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

When she was older, she moved to Chicago. After arriving in Chicago, she found Agent Ernie. Jan's office, but the secretary blocked her from making an appointment, but she insisted on breaking in.

Opportunities are always reserved for thick-skinned, bold people!

"I may not be as beautiful as those girls outside," she came in, and there were more than a dozen beautiful girls waiting for the exam, "but I only have two dollars, I can't go back, please don't kick me out." ”

This impressed her agent and introduced her to a job – striptease.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

There is a saying in the society that she can enter MGM because she wears a transparent pajamas in front of the company's executives, in exchange for the opportunity.

Crawford played a dancing supporting role in "Pretty Lady" with few roles, which was her first film. In 1928, she starred in "Our Dancing Daughters", which completely opened up her popularity, and since then there have been many plays.

Her first sound film "Wild and Untamable" was a box office hit, and 1932's "Grand Hotel" made her an A-list star. In 1945, Joan Crawford won the Academy Award for Best Actress for "Lust for the Sea", and then was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress twice. The most funny thing is that at that time, she was afraid that it would be too humiliating to win the award, so she decided to "call it sick" at home, put on makeup, and dressed beautifully to win the award.

Beautiful, flamboyant, rebellious, she was once known as the "female hooligans" of Hollywood's golden age.

Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

When star lawyer Bao Ze dated Joan, he became interested in Lana Turner, and Joan bluntly threatened Lana to give up Bao Ze, and when Bao Ze found out, he retaliated against Joan, smashed her car, and threw away the gifts Joan gave. However, Joan, who dares to love and hate, does the same to Lana, and once frightened Bao Ze to escape by jumping out of the office window.

In movies and life, she is a fashion icon of this glamorous actress, with extravagant and pompous fur coats, soft and elegant silk satin, sexy and elegant dresses, and intricate embellishments of brocade lace.

Fan reviews:

"She woke up like a star and went to the bathroom like a star. Reply to fans to change into special clothes, lunch and another set. ”
Croft's affair: married 5 times, bisexual, devoted to her mother's boyfriend, tearing each other up with Betty

Joan's destitute old age was embarrassing, and she eventually died alone in 1977.

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