
#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, and the film was directed by Swedish director Tai

author:Shadow life

#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#

On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, the film was directed by Swedish director Taiji Daniels, with a Douban score of 8.6 points.

The film tells the life of the famous modernist painting master Picasso in an extremely nonsensical way. It is mixed with his rich love history, the artists he befriended, his relatives, and the ups and downs of world history.

The laughter in the film is too dense, and all kinds of funny ideas come at hand.

In this film, trains and ships walk sideways, singers only sing one saliva song in their lives, Hitler and Churchill fight in the streets, sing operas and sing and sing advertisements...

Stephen Chow must have borrowed a lot of memes from this film. Remember the laughing half-step advertisement in "Tang Bohu Lights Autumn Fragrance"? This meme was already played in this 1978 movie.

The film is completely outside the real world, and all the artists, celebrities, and historical events in the film have become comic accompaniment.

#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, and the film was directed by Swedish director Tai
#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, and the film was directed by Swedish director Tai
#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, and the film was directed by Swedish director Tai
#Fan Carnival##Movie Amway Punch Card##Movie Planter#On May 20, 1978, the classic comedy film "Picasso's Bizarre Journey" was released, and the film was directed by Swedish director Tai

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