
Loki, Bard, God of Light, Dawn of Doom in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

author:Mushroom Game Club

1. Rocky, the god of fire and trickery

  "God of War 4" Kratos, the god of war, entered Norse mythology as a Greek god. He married the giantess Fei and gave birth to a son, named him. Kritos replaced Fabati and Atreus became Loki.

Loki, Bard, God of Light, Dawn of Doom in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

  On the frescoes in Jotunheim, Kratos is called Fabuti. The mythical Fabti, who represents lightning, and Fey, who represents trees, gave birth to Loki, who represents fire. Perhaps Kritus has been using the name Fabudi since he went to Northern Europe, and the name Atreus comes from the Greek world. The prophecy on the stone wall also seems to reveal that Fei knew the future early on and tried to change it through his own death.

  Loki in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla can be said to be the protagonist of the dark line. He used his ever-changing skills to deceive around the world, deceiving Odin, deceiving dwarves, and deceiving Bard. However, Odin and Loki sobry, making it impossible for Odin to break his oath and kill Loki. Even if Loki loses his mind in the end, Odin doesn't kill anyone.

Loki, Bard, God of Light, Dawn of Doom in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

  2. Bard, the god of light

  The whole story of God of War 4 revolves around the massacre of giants. Bud seems to have come to find Fay the Giant, but he has no objection to discovering the existence of Atreus. Kritos begins to fight Bard in order to protect his son, and Bard also becomes a character throughout the storyline.

  It is speculated that the tree of golden handprints cut down by Kritos destroyed the enchantment set by Fei Set. Odin discovers Juxi and sends Budd to look for it.

  In the mythological line of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, Bard is also a pivotal figure. Although he has been in captivity in the Doomsday Dawn DLC, he tells the story of this god of light working for the peace of the tribe in the official comics, which is why most players can't understand what Doomsday Dawn tells because half of the plot is in the comics.

  The cartoon, titled Valhalla of Assassin's Creed: A Forgotten Myth, after Bard's death, Odin tries to revive him in Hela, waiting for the opportunity to tell the story.

  3. Freya / Frega after God

  Speaking of Bard, I have to mention that Freya, the mad mother, dreamed of Bard's death and immortalized Bard through blessings. Bud in "God of War 4" is completely unconscious, while Budd in "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla" is undead but conscious, and is particularly afraid of cold in the ice and snow.

Loki, Bard, God of Light, Dawn of Doom in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

  Freya, the god of color in Norwegian mythology, slept with four dwarfs for a necklace.

  Freya finally witnesses the death of his son Bud in God of War 4 and viciously curses Kratos. But in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, according to official mythology, Friga is Bard's mother and Freya is a hostage given to Asa by the Warner gods. On the way to save her son Bard, Friga is stabbed to death by the Fire Giant and briefly appears.

  In another version of the myth, Frigga and Freya are the same person. Maybe God of War wants Freya Warner's identity, but also wants to abandon its bohemian character. 4. Loki's lover – Angelboda

Loki, Bard, God of Light, Dawn of Doom in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

  Here we can see a great degree of magical change in Norse mythology in God of War 4. Perhaps because of this, the image of Loki's lover, Angelboda, was also designed to be unique. There are few myths about Angelboda, except that she and Loki gave birth to the giant wolf Fenrir, the god of death, Hela, and the serpent Yemengade, but there is no mention of their personal images.

  In fact, the dark skin is understandable, the problem is that it is a little ugly. But then I looked at the images in the Hall of Heroes below and realized that what I hated was skin color after all.

  And in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, you can travel to the Ironwood Forest, the border between the human world and Jotunheim, in the mythological mission of dreams, to find Loki's lover, the frost giant of 3354, Angelberda. This frost giant is strong and understandable, but too ugly.

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