
Andrei I of Kievan Rus

author:Mad knows

Looking through history, we know that the historical Kievan Rus principality went into decline, and all regional duchies coveted the throne of the Grand Duke of Rus, the most successful was Yuri I, who twice won the position of Grand Duke, unfortunately was poisoned at the banquet of the nobility, and the inheritance of Yuri I's great cause was his son named Andrei I.

Andrei I of Kievan Rus

Andrei I had his own ideas, and instead of competing for the throne of that Grand Duke of Rus, it would be better to create a world for himself. He first established power in his birthplace, which must be in Vladimir. Notice that so far we have said two place names, one is Moscow, and the other is this Vladimir. The appearance of these two place names also means that the history of Russia began to move north.

In Russian history, Andrei I is judged quite pertinently, saying that he possessed the qualities of a strong ruler, brave and ruthless. In fact, this is also the basic characteristic of every person who made history. In the history of Kievan Rus, each generation of the terminator of the riot was a strong man, but unfortunately it did not last for several generations before it went into decline. The appearance of a new generation of strong Andrei I will no longer work hard for Kievan Rus, he will have his own place.

Soon Andrei I established his own principality, the Duchy of Vladimir. Thriving and growing stronger under his rule, all this could not trap an inflated ambition, the world outside the principality of Vladimir was his yearning, his ambitions were outside.

Andrei I of Kievan Rus

Familiar with history, we know that a ruler's ambitions begin to swell and become a dictator, who does not want to hear a croak against himself, and even wants to dissolve all parliamentary classes from his shackles. Andrew I began to stop participating in parliament, began a severe suppression of voices opposed to him, and when all obstacles in the country were removed, Andrew I began military operations against some surrounding countries. Conquest, expansion, killing, all this gave Andre I a sense of accomplishment that he had never felt before. The madness of a dictator began.

Andrei I of Kievan Rus

In 1169, an army led by Andrei I captured the mother city "Kiev" of the principality of Kievan Rus. After the capture of Kiev, the troops were allowed to loot the city for three days. When everyone wanted to see Andrei I ascend to the position of Grand Duke of Rus in the city of Kiev, Andrei I left without looking back, returning to his principality Vladimir.

In front of a dictator with inflated ambitions, Kiev is just a breached city, there is nothing to care about, his eyes have long been looking to the world.

Andrei I of Kievan Rus

By this time, the principality of Vladimir had become the center of Rus, and Andrei I controlled most of Rus by his iron fist. It can be said that the pomp and circumstance are ahead of their time. But his dictatorship also hurt the interests of some nobles, who sought to kill Andrei I. In 1174, André I died at the hands of his men. He's dead!

The successor to Andrei I was a more powerful ruler, the third son of Yuri I and the younger brother of Andrei I, whose name was Vsevolod III.

Andrei I of Kievan Rus

This man has always been there, but few people know about his talents, which is to blame for the dazzling light of his father and brother, and the death of Andrei I finally gave Vsevolod III the stage to show himself, and his brilliance will be seen on this huge stage that controls half of Rus.

The first thing he did was to get rid of all the princes and nobles who were unconvinced and uncooperative, and his iron strength was admirable. Dedicated to the development of commerce and culture, Vladimir became the first central city of Rus. Peripheral countries were controlled by means of military conquest and marriage. Establish unquestionable authority in the principality of Vladimir.

Unfortunately, his health was not very good, and he died in just a few years. In the history of Russia, the era of Vsevolod III's rule of the principality of Vladimir is called the "Golden Age".

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