
Liu Mintao's character tells "my middle-aged rebellion". Liu Mintao married into a wealthy family at an early age, gave up his career for this, and devoted himself to his husband and godson. But her efforts could not be exchanged for her husband's love and respect. At home

author:Thirteen good things to share

Liu Mintao's character tells "my middle-aged rebellion".

Liu Mintao married into a wealthy family at an early age, gave up his career for this, and devoted himself to his husband and godson. But her efforts could not be exchanged for her husband's love and respect. At home, she has no right to speak, she has no money in her pocket when she goes out to play, and she looks at people's eyes everywhere. Once, she especially wanted to eat a matcha ice cream, but her husband said, how old is it, and she still eats ice cream, is it a shame to lose it? Those words stung her deeply.

After the divorce, Liu Mintao returned to his hometown and made a special detour to buy a matcha ice cream. She said that it was the taste of freedom, since following the rules and going with the flow did not bring me the happiness I expected, it was better to be myself, rely on myself, let go of myself, achieve myself, take risks as you like, and live. You will suddenly find that if you want to try to jump up and reach for something in life, this feeling is very enjoyable.

Not believing that exhaustion and numbness are the undertones of middle-aged people.

Someone asked, Liu Mintao, will this rebellion in your life come too late?

She said, no, everything is the best arrangement.

Today, now, she has become her own backer, living a real and dashing life, without having to bind her wishes for the eyes of others. She finally knew that the one that had always been in her heart was the smell of freedom.

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#How to get through the low tide of life#

#怎样的一生才算是有意义 #

Liu Mintao's character tells "my middle-aged rebellion". Liu Mintao married into a wealthy family at an early age, gave up his career for this, and devoted himself to his husband and godson. But her efforts could not be exchanged for her husband's love and respect. At home
Liu Mintao's character tells "my middle-aged rebellion". Liu Mintao married into a wealthy family at an early age, gave up his career for this, and devoted himself to his husband and godson. But her efforts could not be exchanged for her husband's love and respect. At home
Liu Mintao's character tells "my middle-aged rebellion". Liu Mintao married into a wealthy family at an early age, gave up his career for this, and devoted himself to his husband and godson. But her efforts could not be exchanged for her husband's love and respect. At home

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