
The Canadian goldenrod I know

author:The text is simple

Canada's goldenrod has brushed the screen again, and it once appeared on Weibo hot search second two days ago, and the circle of friends is also it. In the mouths of some media, it is an "ecological killer" and "devil's flower", which is very easy to encroach on other plant territories, threatens local biodiversity and ecological security, and is the object that must be eradicated.

The Canadian goldenrod I know
The Canadian goldenrod I know

↑ The hazards of Canadian goldenrod

The Canadian goldenrod is not a new face. According to the "Color Guide of Invasive Alien Plants in Chinese Ports", it came to China as early as 1926, and it has been almost 100 years. At the beginning of the introduction, I thought it was beautiful and I could invite it in as an ornamental plant. After I came, I found that this thing was growing too fast and tenacious to control, and the biological invasion had occurred.

According to data, around 1980, Canadian goldenrod has spread rapidly throughout the country and is everywhere.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

Only in recent years, Canadian goldenrod has become the focus of attention of the media and related units, so it has frequently become a hot spot in social news. It is certainly good to have more people aware of the invasive species of the Canadian goldenrod and understand the harm caused by it.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

However, in my personal understanding alone, the Canadian goldenrod has limited ecological damage. I think back to the places I photographed and saw a yellow flower in Canada, whether it was in wastelands, roadsides, fallow farmland, or in neglected urban greenery, gardens and abandoned buildings.

What these sites have in common is that the original vegetation on the site has been eradicated, which gives Canada a chance to take advantage of the goldenrod. Where there is primary vegetation or mature secondary vegetation, there is little trace of Canadian goldenrod.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

Therefore, to some extent, it can be said that the original ecology is destroyed first before a Canadian goldenrod grows. Perhaps the Canadian goldenrod can be regarded as an "indicator organism" of ecological environmental damage, and it cannot be said that the Canadian goldenrod destroys the ecological environment.

Then, to eradicate a yellow flower in Canada is actually to control the ecological environment that has been destroyed. Just digging up grass is likely to cure the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the soil for Canadian goldenrod to grow is still there.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

Of course, the above assertions are only based on my personal observations and personal experience. I very much hope that everyone who pays attention to the Canadian goldenrod will make their own observations and draw their own conclusions. See if it's a real "demon" or an exaggeration.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

↑ Canadian goldenrod at fruiting stage

But in any case, the harm of Canadian goldenrod is real, and it is necessary to actively respond to the prevention and control of invasive alien species. So, how can we ordinary people participate in the prevention and control of Canadian goldenrod?

First of all, when most people notice a Canadian goldenrod, it has entered the flowering and fruiting stage. A Canadian goldenrod can grow more than one person tall, and the top of the branch holds a huge yellow inflorescence, which is very eye-catching; Its fruit is shaped like a "dandelion" and can spread with the wind once it is shaken off a branch. Therefore, if you arbitrarily cut off the Canadian goldenrod in the flowering and fruiting stage, you may instead help it spread the seeds and help it "expand its territory".

The Canadian goldenrod I know

Simply cutting the aerial parts will not work, as rhizomes left in the ground may grow in the coming year. It is difficult for ordinary people to "eradicate" without the help of tools and certain skills.

The Canadian goldenrod I know

Therefore, the most suitable way for us ordinary people is to "hit the report", you can submit a Canadian goldenrod sighting report to the local 12345, or depending on the place of discovery, to the local forestry department / housing department / agricultural and rural department, and leave it to professionals to come for harmless treatment. If you want to get your hands dirty, also seek professional guidance beforehand.

Most importantly, we must protect the native vegetation and native ecology, and not give Canada enough room for goldenrod. Native vegetation and native ecology are the best green walls to defend against the invasion of Canadian goldenrod.

Author: Jiang someone

Image: Jiang someone

The Canadian goldenrod I know

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