
Peng Yuchang and PDD broke the circle to link the game live broadcast popularity, and the baby elephant and goose are getting better and better

author:Tourist Hall

After entering the twenty-first century, many emerging industries have also sprung up, such as the live broadcast that everyone has become accustomed to now, some anchors have also attracted a large number of fans with their own ability, and the development of anchors is naturally inseparable from the guild behind them, the little elephant goose is one of the most typical ones, and the recent Douyin live broadcast of Peng Yuchang has made everyone have greater confidence in the development of the guild.

Peng Yuchang and PDD broke the circle to link the game live broadcast popularity, and the baby elephant and goose are getting better and better

As a well-known star, Peng Yuchang must have a reason for choosing the little elephant goose to carry out his live broadcast this time, after all, it is easier to achieve a win-win effect by combining strongly, and from the perspective of live broadcast data, the popularity of this live broadcast is indeed very high, and even the popularity of Peng Yuchang's live broadcast entry on the Douyin hot list continues to rise, allowing everyone to see the power of emerging media.

Peng Yuchang and PDD broke the circle to link the game live broadcast popularity, and the baby elephant and goose are getting better and better

And from the little elephant and goose this circle breaking linkage, their development is also getting better and better, previously mainly in the field of games and e-sports, this time is expanded to the entertainment industry, because Peng Yuchang's live broadcast effect is good, and then some other stars may also cooperate with them, forming a snowball effect, naturally will develop stronger.

Peng Yuchang and PDD broke the circle to link the game live broadcast popularity, and the baby elephant and goose are getting better and better

Of course, this linkage with Peng Yuchang not only makes Peng Yuchang's popularity go to a higher level, but also a good thing for other anchors in the guild, such as the PDD that opened the black with Peng Yuchang on the day of the live broadcast has more than 5.8 million popularity, and the number of VIPs is also as high as more than 80,000, after all, the fans of both sides are likely not the same batch, so there is an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

Peng Yuchang and PDD broke the circle to link the game live broadcast popularity, and the baby elephant and goose are getting better and better

So what do you think of the cross-circle live broadcast between the little elephant goose and Peng Yuchang this time? From the results are indeed excellent, indicating that the company's external publicity and execution are also in place, so let's look forward to them bringing more excitement to you in the future!

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