
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree

author:Dora's notes on chasing dramas

#Annual Comedy Contest# A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue:

1. Song Muzi's lip prints;

2. Three dogs' buyer show dance;

3. The dead fortune tree of Mi Wei Company.

It's worth the three dogs, it's funny to stand there, and I hope they can stay in the guest seat.

From the perspective of the quality of the works, the only thing that sticks and is funny is the theme of the gathering of so-and-so and Li Tsu, and the on-site voting scores of both groups have exceeded 10,000.

I still like Li's teasing work, like her last work, the final bottom is very poignant, but if there is no similar experience, or it is not social fear itself, it may not resonate.

The atmosphere in front of so-and-so is particularly good, the back is too long, and the work of rice circle culture before Daewoo Zhishui is almost the ceiling, which is difficult to surpass.

The fifth issue feels very watery overall, and the program team itself has cut a lot, resulting in a short duration, depending on whether the next group can save the decline.

#娱评大赏 #

#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree
#Annual Comedy Contest#A few laughs that impressed me after watching the fifth issue: 1. Song Muzi's lip print; 2. Sangou's buyer show dance; 3. Mi Wei's dead fortune tree

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