
In the past two days, an elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has become popular. I specially entered the small broken station to take a look, the style of painting is professional, the number of plays has reached 1.15 million, I will give you a few screenshots, so that I have not seen it

author:Wu Sheng 1108

In the past two days, an elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has become popular. I specially entered the small broken station to take a look, the style of painting is professional, the number of plays has reached 1.15 million, I will take a few screenshots for you to let friends who have not seen it really feel it.

It is said that this short drama of about 20 minutes was filmed in Hengdian. There are a total of 16 aunts in the play, and the cost is divided among each aunt, which is about 4,000 yuan per person. An aunt brought her husband into the crew and played the emperor.

I pondered for a while, spending 4,000 yuan per person for three days and two nights, playing around Hengdian Film and Television City, and living an actor's dream, as if this price is not expensive.

At the end of this skit, there are filming footage.

Judging from the filming highlights, the crew has professional costumes, props, makeup, etc., which feels not bad at all compared with regular film and television dramas.

Interested friends, you can go to the small broken station to search for the "elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan", which should be searchable.

With the continuous advancement of China's aging population, the number of elderly groups in China is increasing, and I feel that the consumption power of this part of the group is not necessarily weak.

You know, urban elderly generally have pensions. From the perspective of social consumption, I think they belong to the real leisure and rich group. I don't have to go to work at normal times, I have a fixed monthly income, and I have medical insurance for medical treatment. As long as you exercise well and do not suffer from serious illness, your usual pension is estimated to not be able to be spent.

Because I get older, it is useless to keep the money. Moreover, generally speaking, they do not have a large burden, except for the large cost of medical treatment, there is basically no place for large expenditure. In this case, health care, travel, and doing something you like on weekdays may belong to the normal state of life.

Don't bother Aunt too much about square dancing. The elderly exercise well is the greatest contribution to society. Eating and daily consumption do not cost much. Only medical treatment is a major expense, and sometimes it can even empty the family and health insurance.

If the elderly generally exercise and get sick less or no sick, the pressure on the expenditure of national health insurance funds will also decrease. You know, most of the expenditure of national medical insurance funds is on the elderly. For young and middle-aged people, there is basically no disease all year round, and it is impossible to have a cold.

However, if the elderly are sick, it may generally be a more complicated or serious illness. For the treatment of this disease, the medical resources to occupy and consume are obviously much more than young and middle-aged people.

I've seen people make companionship and dating products for the elderly before, and I found that they are doing well. Before that, I thought that there was nothing to do with products for the elderly. Later, it was found that in fact, the superimposed consumption power of such groups is also quite powerful.

On the contrary, young and middle-aged people have the ability to earn money, but they are in debt, burdened, and have no time to consume. If you ask me to spend a few thousand yuan to go to Hengdian to shoot such a set of short dramas, I will definitely not go. Usually I am very tired at work, there are still babies to take at home, if you ask me to find a way to empty myself, I might as well lie down and sleep at home.

The biggest consumer expenses for middle-aged people are mortgages and children.

Some middle-aged people in the business field add up a business cost expenditure. For example, you may have to go out with someone from time to time for a tea, a drink, or buy some relatively decent objects to support the scene.

To put it simply, although middle-aged people seem to earn a lot of money, the amount of money they can consume independently is relatively small. The pension of the elderly, although it may not be as high as the working income of middle-aged people, but the amount of independent consumption is relatively large.

Of course, in response to the consumption needs of the elderly, a basic bottom line is that information differences cannot be used to deceive. Seriously pondering the needs of the elderly and developing some products for their needs is the right way. If you engage in deception, it will not only violate business integrity, but also violate the law, and it may constitute a crime of fraud and you will be imprisoned.

Finally, let's talk about the legal issues of this elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan".

I have seen voices on the Internet saying that this adaptation is an infringement. Copyright owners are also prepared to send letters asking them to stop the infringement.

Strictly speaking, this may indeed constitute infringement.

Because according to the law, the permission and consent of the original right holder are required for the act of adapting a work. This elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" is basically a condensed remake of the original "The Biography of Zhen Huan". Without the consent of the copyright owner of the original version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan", this adaptation is suspected of constituting an infringement of the original rights.

Of course, the current report is that the copyright owner only asks people to stop the infringement, but it is not ready to claim compensation for the time being.

From this point of view, in the future, these short drama film and television production companies can avoid the copyright minefield and develop some original plots. In fact, there are so many routines of court dramas, as long as you change the names of the characters, plots, etc., the risk of copyright infringement will be greatly reduced.

Speaking of this, I will tell you a legal knowledge point.

The law protects only forms of expression, not ideas and creativity. For some common historical stories, they are public resources and generally not protected by law.

That is to say, like this elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" short drama, if you change all the character names in it, the name of the play is also changed, and the plot and performance techniques are slightly adjusted, from a legal point of view, it does not necessarily constitute an infringement of the original "The Biography of Zhen Huan".

Because the plot of infighting among concubines and dripping blood to recognize relatives like this belongs to a common historical storyline, and everyone can shoot it. As long as you do not copy other people's shooting expressions, but use different methods of expression, it is not easy to constitute infringement.

Remember that in the field of copyright, the law only protects forms of expression, not ideas and ideas.

In the era of self-media, society has been continuously flattened, and many mysterious professions in the past have been pulled down. In the past, filming film and television dramas with this style of painting and professionalism was generally only possible for professionals. For celebrities, ordinary people can only see them on TV and cannot be contacted in life, and the mystery exacerbates the high salary of this profession.

And now, ordinary people spend a little money, they can also participate in this kind of professional shooting, painting style, plot, shooting techniques, etc., not losing professional film and television dramas at all, so that ordinary people can also live a "dream of actors".

This is a change of times.

In the past two days, an elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has become popular. I specially entered the small broken station to take a look, the style of painting is professional, the number of plays has reached 1.15 million, I will give you a few screenshots, so that I have not seen it
In the past two days, an elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has become popular. I specially entered the small broken station to take a look, the style of painting is professional, the number of plays has reached 1.15 million, I will give you a few screenshots, so that I have not seen it
In the past two days, an elderly version of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has become popular. I specially entered the small broken station to take a look, the style of painting is professional, the number of plays has reached 1.15 million, I will give you a few screenshots, so that I have not seen it

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