
German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

author:Sun Xuwen

In the past two years, due to the impact of the new crown, the economies and industries of all countries in the world have been affected to a certain extent, but there have been different opinions in the international community about the source of the new crown virus.

Over time, more and more biological researchers have found clues to the source of the new crown, and their research results all point in the same direction, that is, the new crown virus is most likely artificial, not a natural virus, and may involve the United States.

According to the German TV station N-TV, recently, three German scientists said after joint research and analysis that they have evidence that the new coronavirus is transmitted from the laboratory.

German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

According to reports, Brujer, one of the three scientists, said that their study proved that the probability of the new coronavirus being an artificial copy is 99.9%. He explained that in general, the recognition points in the genes of naturally formed viruses are randomly distributed, but they found that a kind of "fingerprint" appeared in the genome of the new coronavirus, which simply means that there is a regular repetition pattern.

Brugel stressed that in the absence of human intervention, the probability that nature's viruses create such "fingerprints" through evolution, etc., is less than 1%, or even less. That is to say, according to the research and analysis of Brugel and other three, the possibility of the new crown virus being deliberately modified by man is extremely high.

And these 3 German scientists are not the first to propose that the new crown virus originated in the laboratory, after the new crown ravaged the world, the British medical journal "Lancet" established a "new crown committee", one of its main tasks is to study the source of the new crown virus.

German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

According to the Russian News Agency, in a report recently released by The Lancet, it is not ruled out that the new crown virus originated in the laboratory, and earlier, the chairman of the committee, Sachs, clearly pointed out at a meeting that the new crown virus was created in the laboratory with the help of American science and technology.

Combined with the report of three German scientists and the Lancet new crown committee, they agreed that the probability of the new crown being artificially created is extremely high and is likely to be related to the United States. In this regard, Klimov, chairman of the State Sovereign Protection Committee of the Russian Federation, said that he believes that the new crown virus may be a "biological mine" planted by overseas countries to China, and there are traces of US involvement.

From a factual point of view, Klimov's analysis does not seem to be groundless. According to a number of media, the United States has set up no less than 300 biological laboratories overseas, and Russia has repeatedly found traces of some rare viruses in these laboratories.

German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

It can be said that the United States has a "criminal record" in the field of "biological research", and the United States has also used biological weapons against other countries. Although the deliberate creation of a virus that can have a huge negative impact on a global scale is a serious violation of humanitarian and international law, it is important to know that for some countries, measuring its bottom line by standard moral laws may itself be an omission.

In this regard, Klimov also mentioned that in recent years, the international community has been turbulent, and in these turmoil, the United States can be seen without exception, and in general, the United States has also gained a lot of benefits from the chaotic international situation.

To put it simply, the behavior of the United States in the international community in recent years seems to prove that the United States may not care about the basic needs of all countries in the world at all, and in its view, its own interests will always come first.

German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

At the moment of China's rapid rise, more and more US politicians have begun to play up the so-called "China threat theory", and Biden has even written the containment of China's development into the US strategic plan. Combined with what the United States has done to China in recent years, Klimov believes that at present, the United States is almost the only country that has the ability and the motivation to strike at its imaginary enemy.

But at the same time, it should also be noted that whether it is the source of the new crown virus or the Nord Stream incident, although many people believe that the initiator is the United States, because the United States has been covering up and refusing to accept investigation, this has led to these major events so far can not have a definite result.

However, no matter how many other countries stir up trouble, China has always firmly followed its own development path on the basis of adhering to international laws and regulations. With the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, the development of all walks of life in China is still making steady progress, and sustained and stable economic development has become a bright red in the international community.

German scientists have proved that 99% of the new crown is man-made, Russian high-ranking officials: or foreign biological mines buried in China

In contrast, the United States, the total number of new crown infections ranks first in the world, and the daily new cases are as high as thousands, which can be said to be one of the countries most affected by the new crown.

If the United States really participates in the study of the new crown virus, then the severe epidemic in the United States may be the most powerful response to this crazy research behavior of the United States.

At the same time, the epidemic has also reminded the world that in the current rapid development of science and technology, it is important to focus on its own stable development, but at the same time, we have to be vigilant against the dirty means of some countries and be fully prepared to respond.

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