
Cold-blooded killer who kills innocents, Patrick David McKay, was born on September 25, 1952 in Middlesex, England, McKay's father was a heavy drinker and often implemented the family

author:Write information in elegant pencil

Cold-blooded murderer who kills innocents, Patrick David McKay, was born on September 25, 1952 in Middlesex, England, McKay's father was a heavy drinker and often committed domestic violence.

This violence began when McKay's mother became pregnant with McKay, and after McKay was born, she continued to abuse her mother and McKay, and when McKay was 10 years old, his father, who had been violent against him, died.

I thought that the family environment would stabilize, but this time McKay began to show a violent personality, began to bully the weak and abuse animals in school, kicked rabbits and cats to death, burned turtles to death, and took the carcasses with him after killing birds.

McKay became a repeat thief by the age of 13, and also committed violence against his mother and sister, and he also set fire to the church, and the murder became more and more violent, and McKay gradually fell into an uncontrollable state.

Then because of the arson of the church, the arrested MacKay was sent to a nursing home, and in this facility, he became fascinated by Hitler, wearing a homemade military uniform and calling himself "Franklin Bower I".

Boast of being a world-changing hero who can rival Hitler. When McKay was 15 years old, he was sent to a mental hospital because he wanted to choke his mother and a neighbor teenager.

McKay was diagnosed as a 'cold-blooded mentally abnormal murderer'. The attending physicians objected to McKay's discharge, but his request was not accepted and he was discharged.

Since then, McKay, like his father, has been addicted to alcohol and drugs, repeatedly making plastic models of Frankenstein and amputating their hands and feet.

In addition, McKay longed for the Nazis he admired, often wearing uniforms that resembled Nazi military uniforms, and posted pictures of himself on the walls of his home.

In July 1973, McKay began killing. McKay first pushed the homeless man off the bridge and drowned for no reason. McKay then pushed a young girl named Heidi Nilku (17) off a moving train and killed her.

In addition, McKellar killed Isabella Griffith (84) and stabbed the body with a knife. After McKay stabbed Stephanie Britton (74) with a knife, he also assassinated his grandson Christopher Martin, who was present at the time.

Later, McKay, who robbed the tobacco shop, beat Frank with a stick. McKay attacked Abby Davis (54), the president of the coffee shop, with an axe and beheaded her.

In addition, McKay attacked Saiara Rodewell (92) in order to grab change, beating him to death with a club. After that, a priest named Anthony Quinn (61) worried about McKay and did everything in his power to get Mackay back to life.

But Mackay, fed up with his kindness, broke into Father Quinn's home, beat the priest with an axe, and threw him into a bathtub filled with hot water.

Then cut his throat with a knife, face the priest who resists, and finally cut off the priest's head with an axe and kill him. However, two days after Father Quinn was killed, McKay was arrested.

It turned out to be reported by someone who knew the priest and McKay. As a result, 11 Mackay victims are known. MacKay was charged with five counts of murder, convicted of three counts, sentenced to life in prison, and is still serving a sentence (there is no death penalty system in the UK). If there is a death penalty system, you cannot join the European Union).

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Cold-blooded killer who kills innocents, Patrick David McKay, was born on September 25, 1952 in Middlesex, England, McKay's father was a heavy drinker and often implemented the family
Cold-blooded killer who kills innocents, Patrick David McKay, was born on September 25, 1952 in Middlesex, England, McKay's father was a heavy drinker and often implemented the family
Cold-blooded killer who kills innocents, Patrick David McKay, was born on September 25, 1952 in Middlesex, England, McKay's father was a heavy drinker and often implemented the family

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