
Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

author:Wanhe is a man of all kinds
Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

Zhou Qi said in a program that the strongest lineup of the Chinese men's basketball team in his mind is that the center is definitely Yao Ming, the power forward position is Wang Zhizhi, the small forward Zhu Fangyu, the quarterback Hu Weidong, and the point guard Sun Yue. This kind of lineup does look very good, and it can be said that these people can completely wrench the wrist with the American team if they are at their peak. For this lineup, I would like to share some of my thoughts on it.

Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

The big premise is that Yi Jianlian, compared to Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian is stronger than Wang Zhizhi at both the offensive and defensive ends, especially playing European and American strong teams, Wang Zhizhi will be burst, and the offensive end will be empty to shoot okay, other games are still a little useful to play Asian weak teams, European and American strong teams are useless, low one-on-one can not be entered, and the rebounding ability is worse. Center Yao Ming came off the bench for Da Zhi, power forward UAE substitute Liu Yudong, small forward Zhu Fangyu came on on for Li Nan, attack guard Hu Weidong came on for Guo Allen, and point guard Liu Xiaoyong came on for Sun Yue. If it is a list of thirteen people, add Zhou Qi, Gong Xiaobin and Zhou Peng. In 94, he began to pay attention to the Chinese men's basketball team, and he chose players who could withstand the test of foreign wars, and the ancient gods of the seventies and eighties did not know much about it.

Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

Yi Jianlian is the most capable of jumping in the history of Chinese basketball. Most flexible. The ability to play against will not be lost to European and American players. Against Spain at the Olympics, there are Gasol and Ibaka, the top NBA player, and Yi Jianlian can still score 31 points. In the history of Chinese basketball, apart from Yao Ming, there are few people who can compare. Yi Jianlian is the strongest person in the history of Chinese basketball to combine strength, physical fitness and speed, and what is slightly worse is the more exquisite basket technique, so it is more difficult to play center when facing European and American strong teams. Dazhi, on the contrary, has poor strength, physical fitness and speed, but his lost steps under the basket are the first in the country. Chinese basketball has always felt that it is not tough enough, if I choose one of the two, I am more inclined to the UAE!

Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

With Hu Weidong, Sun Yue must be replaced by Li Xiaoyong. Sun Yue's point guard is still not good, and the defense is okay. But now you need to cooperate with Hu Weidong, then it must be Li Xiaoyong, such a defensive line combination is more ideal. Sun Yue doesn't have many offensive scoring points, but the point guard can't. Therefore, it can only focus on defense, but when a team faces a tough battle, it needs Li Xiaoyong or Guo Allen to find a breakthrough, tear open the opponent's defense, and create an instant misalignment gap, so that Hu Weidong or the forward line may find a scoring opportunity. In a step-by-step positional battle, we have no one to chance.

Zhou Qi commented on the strongest team of Chinese men's basketball Yi Jianlian Li Nan lost the selection Fans: Can wrestle with the American team

I think the big premise is that the five strongest people in the Chinese national team, the center forward is undoubtedly Yao Ming. He's also the heart of the team, there's no doubt about it. Tactics revolve around Yao Ming, and people in other positions have to sacrifice for tactics no matter how strong their personal abilities are. So I think the No. 4 position, Yi Jianlian is more suitable. Two reasons, partnering with Yao Ming, tactical Yi Jianlian is more suitable, and also needs to be easy to do blue-collar and open up space. Small forward Zhu Fangyu, quarterback Hu Weidong, point guard Li Xiaoyong I think there is nothing wrong, the tactical system is more suitable. Personal opinion.

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