
Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

author:Little Fox 8023
If a few months ago, maybe not many people really knew the name Xin Jifei, but those who have paid attention to the Internet in the past two months may have heard something about him, because in these months, Xin Jifei has created some myths, he is too hot.
Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Promoter of Hextech

When it comes to Xin Jifei, I have to say the word Hextech, which was originally a term used in games, and people who do not play games basically do not understand the meaning of this word. The original meaning of the word is a combination of technology and magic.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

It is Xin Jifei's series of short video effects that promote the words in this game to the whole network, so it is no exaggeration to say that Xin Jifei is a promoter of Hex.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

In Xin Jifei's early works, there are some contents that record his own food making, showing the majority of netizens the production process of some synthetic foods.

It is the content of these videos that is ingenious, relevant to people's lives, and also reveals some of the food industry's little-known secrets. Xin Jifei's social account has increased by millions of followers in a few months, becoming a well-known Internet celebrity.

In the process of becoming an Internet celebrity, two nationally renowned brand companies have become stepping stones to Xinjifei's fame.

In a word, save Huiyuan juice on the verge of bankruptcy

Huiyuan juice is a juice brand that many post-80s/90s have been familiar with since childhood, but the company's sales have been deteriorating in recent years, and even broke the news that it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Netizens asked how to view the quality of Huiyuan juice during Xinjifei's live broadcast.

Xin Jifei said frankly that he does not like to drink Huiyuan juice, the taste is not delicious, the reason why it is not delicious is that Huiyuan juice is pure fruit juice, and those technologies are not added, so there is some bitterness.

It is precisely because of Xin Jifei's sarcastic and implicit remarks that a large number of fans have run to the live broadcast room of Huiyuan juice to place orders and purchases, which instantly makes the sales and reputation of Huiyuan juice come to life experience.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Some people questioned that Xin Jifei advertised Huiyuan juice, was charging advertising fees, eating people's mouths, and taking people short, in the face of doubts, Xin Jifei deliberately clarified, saying that he did not charge any benefit fees from enterprises.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Huiyuan juice official also responded to netizens and expressed gratitude to Xin Jifei's remarks for driving sales.

Did Xinjifei charge advertising fees? This is not important, the important thing is that as long as Huiyuan juice is an original healthy drink, then we can drink it with confidence.

As a company whose sales are not good, it has also donated generously when various disasters occur in China, and it is a conscientious enterprise, such a company needs our support, but I hope that Huiyuan juice can improve the taste and taste on the basis of the original ecology.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Haitian Taste Industry Food Additive Storm

If Xin Jifei's words made Huiyuan juice get through the difficulties because he had no intention of inserting willows into the shade, then Xin Jifei indirectly evaporated the market value of Haitian soy sauce by 40 billion in just a few days, which is a bit deliberately targeted.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Xin Jifei is not deliberately targeting Haitian soy sauce, but targeting the entire soy sauce industry. As the leader of the domestic soy sauce industry, Haitian Taste Industry has naturally been pushed to the forefront.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Haitian soy sauce has not been very annoying recently, but it is particularly annoying.

First, Xin Jifei and other self-media bloggers discussed the issue of food additives in the live broadcast room and video, and then foreign compatriots sent a comparison of domestic and foreign product ingredients:

Foreign Haitian soy sauce 0 additives, domestic Haitian soy sauce 5 additives.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

In just half a month, Haitian Flavor's market value has evaporated by 40 billion yuan, and it has issued several statements in a row to forcibly prove that the additives in domestic product ingredients meet national standards.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

For Haitian soy sauce several statements, netizens did not buy it, believing that Haitian soy sauce's statement was not sincere, but only emphasized that the additives met national standards, and did not explain other problems.

And Haitian Taste's statement attitude is also considered by netizens to be: arrogance and prejudice.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Haitian Taste is completely unaware of the core problem of being caught in the additive storm? What is the reason for the real anger of netizens?

In fact, the core of the conflict between Haitian soy sauce and netizens is not at all the problem of additives in the product.

As we all know, the drinks, spices and some supplies we eat have additives, and the people have long been accustomed to the life of having additives in food.

Everyone also understands a truth, as long as it meets the national standards for additives, the products that can pass the test and audit will basically not harm the body.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

What really makes netizens feel unhappy is: differential treatment.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Some compatriots living in Japan went to the local supermarket to check the ingredients of Haitian soy sauce, and it was indeed 0 additives.

Some people may say that each country has different requirements for products, can not be generalized, the actual situation is indeed at home and abroad there are 0 additives and additives of two products.

So the question arises here, since most of the foreign products are 0 additives, why can the vast majority of their own compatriots only buy products with additives?

Domestic compatriots just want to buy soy sauce without additives everywhere, is it so difficult?

Therefore, Haitian Taste Industry does not realize that the main reason for the collapse of word of mouth and the evaporation of market value is not the problem of additives at all, but the problem of not knowing the actual needs of the people and the difference between domestic and foreign treatment.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission conducted random inspections of products on the market, and Haitian and Lee Kum Kee, which ranked first and second in soy sauce market share, were on the list, and 29 out of 120 batches of samples did not meet the national standard, and there were many problems.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

At the same time, the official live broadcast room of Haitian Taste Industry was also attacked by netizens, and the screen was full of netizens' dissatisfaction.

Some people say: Live hard, all live hard.

Some people say: arrogance and rudeness, this is the price of belittling consumers.

Xinjifei was almost in a car accident and had no choice but to retire from the network

Xin Jifei spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice with one sentence, and at the same time spread his hands a few words made the soy sauce industry set off a stormy wave.

On the surface, the image of Internet celebrities in front of the screen is enviable, but in fact, it has caused such a lot of heat, and the pressure behind it is also very large.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

A few days ago, it broke the news that Xinjifei was almost in a car accident and almost died.

A large truck went backwards and crashed directly at him, but fortunately, the large truck passed by Xinjifei's car, and Xingjifei escaped.

In this accident, some people speculate that it is a deliberate revenge, or a warning to Xin Jifei.

We do not speculate or spread rumors about things that do not have actual evidence.

Xin Jifei also knows that what he does will definitely touch the interests of some people, and he also frankly said that if he disappears one day, he hopes that fans will not be surprised.

Xin Jifei's superpower, spread his hands to save Huiyuan juice, and turned over his hands to put Haitian soy sauce in trouble

Whether anyone retaliated maliciously, we don't know, we only know that after the shock of that car accident, Xin Jifei left a sentence:

I'm tired and don't shoot.

I wish you all health and happiness.

After leaving this intriguing sentence, the accounts of Xinjifei's millions of fans were withdrawn.

What do you think of Xin Jifei's explosion and retreat?

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