
Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

author:Dr. Xianhua talks about health

Pomegranate is not unfamiliar to everyone, especially in the autumn, pomegranate mature, the shadow of pomegranate can be seen in various supermarkets and stalls, pomegranate taste sweet, sour, astringent, warm, into the lungs, kidneys, large intestine.

Pomegranate as a multi-grain berry fruit, pomegranate fruit bright red full, nutritional value is very high, rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, protein, organic acids, calcium, potassium and other nutrients, help to soften blood vessels, promote digestion, resist bacteria.

Nowadays, many skin care products are extracted from pomegranate ingredients, and its health care effect has been recognized by modern scientific research.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits

1. Antioxidant

Pomegranate is rich in pomegranate polyphenols, vitamin C, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, has antioxidant effect, can remove free radicals in the body, can effectively improve skin dullness, lighten pigmentation, delay skin aging, reduce skin wrinkles, maintain skin elasticity.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

2. Reduce blood lipids

Pomegranate is rich in pomegranate polyphenols and anthocyanins, which can remove excess oil in blood vessels, speed up blood circulation, help soften blood vessels, play a role in reducing blood lipids, and often eat pomegranate to help reduce the prevalence of arteriosclerosis.

3. Control blood sugar

Although the sugar content of pomegranate is not low, but the appropriate eating of pomegranate can reduce insulin impedance, play a certain role in controlling blood sugar, but remember, diabetics must eat less.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

4. Antibacterial

Pomegranate skin contains alkaloids and ursolic acid and other substances, has a good antibacterial effect, can effectively inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, dysentery bacillus and other germs, the skin fungus has obvious inhibitory effect.

4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat pomegranates to avoid counterproductive effects

1. Patients with stomach problems

Patients with stomach disease are not suitable for eating pomegranates, pomegranates will stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in increased secretion of gastric acid, gastric patients eating pomegranates are prone to acid reflux, belching, stomach pain, bloating and other symptoms, resulting in gastrointestinal function can not be restored in time, aggravating the condition.

2. Patients with dental caries

Caries patients are not recommended to eat pomegranates, pomegranates are rich in organic acids and sugars, will cause corrosion to tooth enamel, damage to tooth health, caries patients themselves enamel has been damaged, will aggravate caries pain.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

3. Patients with kidney stones

Stone patients are not recommended to eat pomegranate, pomegranate is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, excessive consumption will lead to the appearance of kidney stones, pomegranate contains oxalic acid, will aggravate the symptoms of kidney stones.

4. People with constipation

Pomegranate contains tannic acid, which has an astringent effect, which affects gastrointestinal peristalsis and aggravates the symptoms of constipation.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

Do you want to spit out the pomegranate seeds?

Pomegranate seeds can be chewed and eaten, pomegranate seeds are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, which can effectively help the skin resist free radical damage, prevent wrinkle formation, and also help to fade age spots.

Eating pomegranate seeds also helps to protect the joints, it contains nutrients to help promote the secretion of joint lubrication, pomegranate seeds are also rich in dietary fiber and lignin, chewing and eating helps to promote the absorption and digestion of the intestine.

For patients with poor stomach and intestines, it is not recommended to eat pomegranate seeds, which is easy to cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

Recommendations for the consumption of pomegranates

1. Pomegranate contains alkaloids, which will neutralize the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and reduce digestion, and it is not advisable to eat other foods before and after eating pomegranates, so as not to cause indigestion.

2. It is best not to eat pomegranate more than one per day, brush your teeth after eating, eat too much can easily lead to symptoms such as fire and mouth ulcers.

3. Pomegranate juice is very rich, has a dyeing effect, it is difficult to wash when touching clothes, and it must be paid attention to when eating.

4. When buying pomegranates, it is recommended to choose full, heavier weight, and the surface of the peel is darker pomegranate, pay attention to the preservation time of the pomegranate, it is best to eat it within a week.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

Pomegranates can also be eaten like this

1. Pomegranate fruit tea

Squeeze the pomegranate seeds into juice, add lemon slices, strawberries, watermelon slices, etc. in the pomegranate juice and stir well, and you can drink.

Eating pomegranates in autumn has many benefits, but 4 types of people may be "unsuitable" to eat and avoid counterproductive

2. Yogurt pomegranate

Put the peeled pomegranate in a bowl, freeze it in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours, take it out and drizzle with yogurt, the taste is very good.

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