
What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

author:Longnan Kang County released

Mobile phone payment has been popular for a long time, this payment method has changed our lives, before going out need to bring cash on the body, and now only need a mobile phone to complete the payment, convenient and fast.

In fact, the principle of mobile phone payment is very simple, that is, download the corresponding payment software on the mobile phone, and then bind the bank card on the software, you can pay, here you can directly use the money of the bank card, or transfer the money of the bank card to the software to use, in short, when you need to pay, we only need to scan the code to pay, or open the payment two-dimensional code to the merchant to scan the code on the old line.

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

Now the mainstream payment software is WeChat and Alipay, which are also the most used payment software by the public.

However, in the payment process, we will find such a problem: that is, when we scan the two-dimensional code of others to pay, we can enter the corresponding amount, but also need to enter the password, and when the merchant scans our payment two-dimensional code, it will directly transfer the money to the merchant, first of all, do not need to enter the payment password, and secondly, only the merchant sweeps away to know how much money is paid.

So what exactly is the difference between these two payment methods? What's so bad about that? Let's explore this topic.

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

The first one: the way is different

Although they are mobile phone payment, but these two ways are indeed not the same, when we scan the merchant's two-dimensional code, we need to open WeChat or Alipay to scan, the scan code will pop up after the payment interface, and then enter the corresponding amount, and then enter the password to transfer the money to the merchant.

When the merchant scans our two-dimensional code, he only needs to open the payment code of WeChat or Alipay, and the household cash register or card machine can directly transfer our money to the merchant.

These two payment methods are not the same, generally if we scan the code, we need to enter the amount and payment password, and when the merchant scans the code, we will generally set up no need to enter the payment password, so the merchant scan our payment will be faster and more convenient.

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

Second: the security is different

Although the merchant will save two steps when scanning our QR code, the security will be weaker than that of scanning the code themselves.

Because we scan the code ourselves, you can enter the amount and payment password, if you enter the wrong can also be changed without paying the money, and the merchant scans our two-dimensional code, will directly cross the money, we only know how much money was paid after payment.

In the choice of this payment method, we are passive, if the merchant accidentally made a mistake, and we did not pay attention, so much money away we may not know, so after paying the money in this way, we must check the bill in time to see if the money swept away is consistent with the actual money, so as not to make a mistake by the merchant.

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

When making mobile phone payments, pay attention to these two points!

1. Set the payment password

Although password-free payment is more convenient and fast, but the security will be reduced a lot, in our real life, there are a lot of malware similar to the code scanner. Therefore, it is recommended that you better set a payment password, so that the merchant directly sweeps us also need to enter the password, you can enhance security, if you really feel troublesome, you can also add a fingerprint payment, both convenient and safe.

2, do not randomly scan the unknown two-dimensional code

Now the merchant collection is to let the customer scan the two-dimensional code pasted on the wall to pay, it seems to be no big deal, but because of this, it has become one of the ways for some criminals to get started, they will paste the original two-dimensional code into the transformed two-dimensional code, although it is difficult to encounter, but some people are recruited, so when paying, ask the merchant's two-dimensional code in the payment.

In addition, do not take out your mobile phone to scan the code on the street, especially if it involves some software with money in it, especially be cautious so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

What is the difference between mobile payment "you sweep me" and "I sweep you"?

Last words

The above is about the difference between different ways of mobile phone payment, we understand these things, we should pay more attention when paying with mobile phones outside, so as not to pay unnecessary unjust money.

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