
As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more

author:Talk about health

Pork belly is the stomach of pigs, in the usual time to eat hot pot or spicy hot, many people especially like to choose pork belly, in fact, the nutritional value of pork belly is relatively high, but also has a certain medicinal value.

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that "pork belly is an important product for tonifying the spleen, spleen and stomach supplement, qi benefit, and self-stopping." ...... Replenish the spleen and stomach, sperm and blood produce themselves, and self-healing from fatigue. ”

Pork belly is rich in protein, fat, cholesterol, vitamins, carotene, minerals calcium, phosphorus potassium, sodium and magnesium, etc. Proper eating pork belly can have the effect of curing fatigue and weakness, diarrhea, diarrhea, thirst, and frequent urination.

In daily life, many people will use pork belly to replenish qi. There is also a saying "one pork belly ten pairs of medicines", is the nutritional value of pork belly really so high?

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more


As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"?

In the past, our living standards were not particularly high, medical technology is not advanced, so in the past may be through some dietary therapy for treatment, and the elderly pay attention to the shape of the complement, after research, found that the pork belly and the treatment of stomach ulcers the same ingredient - gastrin.

After eating pork belly, a protective film will be formed in the stomach of the human body, which can achieve the effect of stomach tonic spleen, especially for the elderly friends, proper eating of pork belly can promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and can also nourish the spleen and stomach to enhance physical fitness.

For some pregnant women who are relatively weak, they can also eat pork belly to replenish qi and blood and relieve physical fatigue.

However, on the "a pork belly 10 side drugs" statement is inevitably a little exaggerated, although the medicinal value of pork belly is relatively large, but food and drugs can not be compared, when our body has problems, or early medical treatment, food supplement only played an auxiliary treatment effect.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more


What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly for the body?

Patch up for weakness

For people whose physical fitness is relatively weak and who are weak and thin in labor, they can eat more pork belly appropriately to achieve the effect of making up for weakness and enhancing physical fitness.

Strengthens the spleen and stomach

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, pork belly into the spleen and stomach, through the spleen deficiency of food less appetite, indigestion, thin and weak people, appropriate eating of pork belly can nourish the spleen and stomach meridian, improve the ability of the spleen and stomach, and then alleviate the symptoms of spleen and stomach deficiency and spleen and stomach discomfort.

Tonify the qi, quench thirst and benefit

According to the experience of the Qing Dynasty food doctor Wang Luying, if the pregnant woman has insufficient tire gas, or repeatedly suffers from half-birth and after childbirth, she is cooked with pork belly and cooked like a chyme, and it is most suitable for frequent use, if simmered with ham, especially supplemented.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more


Pork belly is rich in iron, which can prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, and pork belly has some blood red elements in the internal organs of animals, which can provide red blood cells for people who are ischemic or blood replenishment, but everyone should strictly control the amount when eating pig belly, after all, pig belly belongs to animal internal organs that contain more cholesterol.

Tonic liver blindness

Pork belly is rich in protein and carbohydrates and vitamins, with a healthy spleen and stomach to supplement the liver and clear the purpose, for people with damaged liver vision, you can eat pork belly appropriately in normal times.


3 types of people should eat more

People with weak spleen and stomach

Pork belly can achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, for people with weak spleen and stomach, the general gastrointestinal function is not particularly perfect, you can stew red jujube lotus seeds and silver fungus with pork belly to drink soup, can achieve the effect of nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach and strengthening the spleen.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more

Patients after surgery

After the operation, people can eat a little nourishing food appropriately, we can choose pork belly soup, pork belly soup can achieve the effect of blood and zinc, more conducive to the recovery of the patient's body.

Overworked people

Overworked people will have muscle soreness, joint stiffness, you can improve nutrition by eating pork belly, you can also achieve the effect of replenishing blood and qi deficiency.


Although pork belly is good, these 3 types of people are best not to touch

Patients with gout

For some gout patients, because the content of uric acid in the body is relatively high, if you often eat pork belly, pork belly belongs to animal internal organs, which contains more purines is also easy to lead to increased uric acid, uric acid once increased, deposited in the joint to form urate crystals, easy to induce acute gout or kidney failure affect the health of the body, so it is not recommended for patients with gout to eat pork belly.

As the saying goes, "ten medicines in a pork belly"? What are the benefits of eating pork belly regularly? 3 types of people should eat more

Obese people

For some people who are originally obese, it is not recommended to eat pork belly, because the fat and cholesterol content in the pork belly is already excessive, if too much intake, it will increase the phenomenon of obesity, and it will also increase the burden of blood vessels to induce vascular diseases.

Patients with high blood pressure and heart disease

For patients with high blood pressure and heart disease, it is not recommended to eat pork belly, because the cholesterol content in pork belly is relatively high, if the cholesterol is too high will cause great pressure on the blood, it is also easy to cause an increase in blood pressure, and it will also increase the burden on the heart.