
What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

author:Dr. Chunkai said that the department talks

As the saying goes, people have no choice but to soak goji berries in the thermos cup, with the development of society, the standard of living is constantly improving, and the awareness of health care is also constantly increasing

Goji berries are recognized as healthy foods, especially for the middle-aged and elderly people, drinking goji berries every day will reap certain benefits.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

First of all, understand the nutritional composition of goji berries

Goji berries contain a large number of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and have high nutritional value.

It is understood that goji berries have high nutritional value, containing 258 kcal calories per 100 grams, carbohydrates 64.1 grams, protein 13.9 grams, fat 1.5 grams, cellulose 16.9 grams, vitamin A 1625 micrograms.

In addition, 100g of goji berries also contain many other minerals and vitamins, including 58.0mg of vitamin C, 170mg of potassium, etc., which supplement nutrition for the human body.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

Goji berries can also be eaten with porridge or soup with other foods, such as Sydney, Sichuan shellfish, lilies, yam, etc., which is beneficial for human nutrition supplementation.

What about people who drink goji berry water regularly?

Immunity will be better

Goji berries have high nutritional value, bone gas polysaccharides in ancient artifacts help improve immunity, for the elderly population, insist on drinking goji berries soaked in water, immunity will be better, after an increase in immunity, it will help to identify DNA mutated cells, thereby preventing the occurrence of tumors.

For patients with tumors that have already occurred, insisting on drinking goji berry soaked water can also reduce the toxicity of drugs to the body and help the recovery of patients' conditions.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

The quality of sleep will be better

In the life of people, there is 1/3 of the time spent in sleep, which shows the importance of sleep to the human body, if the lack of sleep, will affect the body's endocrine function, health will become very fragile, and long-term sleep quality is very low, will induce a series of health problems.

The nutrients in goji berries have the effect of nourishing the blood and calming the spirit, and insisting on drinking goji berries soaked in water can promote blood circulation, improve metabolism, and improve sleep quality.

Tonic kidneys

Goji berries are rich in nutrients, rich in niacin, riboflavin and other vitamins, minerals, goji polysaccharides and other nutrients, goji polysaccharides have the health care effect of enhancing immunity, inhibiting germ cell apoptosis, and enhancing kidney function.

Chinese medicine believes that goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys, and have a health care effect on kidney deficiency and low back pain.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

Blood sugar will be more stable

Goji berries is a kind of medicinal and food homologous ingredients, has a wealth of nutritional value, adhere to drink goji berry soaked water, can help promote the metabolism of fat in the body, so that the low blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, goji berries inside the polysaccharide components can also improve the activity of human enzymes, improve the antioxidant capacity of pancreatic islet cells, help stabilize blood sugar.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

Doctor reminds: these 5 types of people try to "join in the fun" as little as possible

People with weak spleen and stomach

People with a weak spleen and stomach cannot eat goji berries. Although goji berries have a good tonic and therapeutic effect, because its effect of warming the body is quite strong, those people with weak spleen and stomach and cold and wet do not insist on eating goji berries, otherwise it will be worse.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

People with wind fever and colds

You should not drink goji berry water for a cold.

Goji berries have the effect of clearing the liver and eyesight, tonifying the kidneys and improving the sperm, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, but it is also a kind of tonic Chinese medicine, and when the human body is cold, the evil qi in the body is flourishing, so it is necessary to go to evil.

And goji berries it is a kind of nourishing liver and kidneys, clear liver and clear the purpose of the benefits, during the cold to avoid the invasion of external evil, so this time it is best not to eat goji berries, because goji berries belong to warm food.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy

People who have inflammation in the body

If there is inflammation, you cannot eat goji berries.

Whether you eat raw or drink it in water, it will exacerbate inflammation in your body and even lead to many diseases, especially in the case of tonsillitis, enteritis and gastritis, it is best not to eat goji berries.

Patients with hypertension

Because goji berries can dilate blood vessels, if patients with high blood pressure eat a large number of goji berries, there is no benefit to the stability of the condition.

What will happen to people who often drink goji berry water, the doctor reminds: 5 types of people try to be as little as busy


People who can not eat goji berries are actually not in the minority, some people because they have had symptoms of diabetes, so stay away from goji berries, goji berries contain relatively high sugar, so eat it will have a sweet taste, people with diabetes symptoms, the organs have a lesion situation, a lot of eating goji berries will lead to increased blood sugar, so try not to eat goji berries.

Warm tips: Goji berries are one of the common health foods, eating more goji berries is good for the human body, but there should also be a choice to eat, should be in the case of recognizing their own physique to eat, if the physique is poor, belongs to the above mentioned several situations, then do not eat goji berries.

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