
Constipation Don't just eat bananas, take a look at this anti-constipation strategy

author:Health Care Park

The so-called constipation refers to a type of disease that changes the structural function of the colorectal and anus under the action of a variety of pathogenic factors, and the main manifestations of clinical difficulties in defecation, low amount of bowel movements, reduced frequency of bowel movements or discomfort in defecation are clinical.

There are clouds in the rivers and lakes, ten constipations and nine madness, and one wants to take off! This is not a lie, constipation can indeed induce psychotic disorders, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and even suicidal tendencies.

Constipation Don't just eat bananas, take a look at this anti-constipation strategy

Functional constipation can be classified as mild, moderate, and severe depending on its severity.

The symptoms of mild constipation are mild and have little impact on the patient's life and work. Mild conservative treatment is effective, such as with laxatives or gastrointestinal motility medications. Biofeedback therapy and non-pharmacological treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.

Constipation is moderate if the above treatments are ineffective or have poor efficacy; Patients who meet the diagnostic criteria for moderate constipation and are accompanied by psychopsychological disorders are considered to be severely constipated.

So what should we do if we are constipated?

1. Move. Many patients with constipation sit for a day and do not like to exercise. Walking every day or massaging the abdominal muscles with both hands several times a day, once the gastrointestinal peristalsis ability is strong, it is easy to stool. People who are bedridden for a long time should turn over frequently and perform a circular abdominal massage or hot compress, but care should be taken to avoid burns.

2. Develop a good bowel habit. Try to make a habit of having a bowel movement once a day, and wait a little while you don't have to defecate to form a conditioned reflex.

3. Pay attention to diet. Coles, vegetables, fruits and bellumes, and legumes will help with bowel movements. Common foods with more dietary fiber include wheat bran, fruits, vegetables, oats, corn, soybeans, pectin and so on.

Constipation Don't just eat bananas, take a look at this anti-constipation strategy

4, do not take medicine for constipation. The most important thing in the treatment of constipation is to be calm, calm, and calm, and never use laxatives, especially irritating laxatives.

If you have to take some medicine, you can eat some products rich in water-soluble dietary fiber. To see the ingredient list inside, if there is only dietary fiber, probiotics and no other ingredients in it, you can eat it.

But these products can not be effective at that time, generally 1-2 weeks to have a more obvious effect, and they are not drugs, at best can only change the intestinal environment. If you really need to take laxatives, be sure to use them according to your condition under the guidance of a professional doctor.

5, often constipated, you can also eat medicinal food for maintenance, the following to introduce you to the treatment of constipation of medicinal food.

[Rose] mulberry sesame cake

30g mulberry, 600g black sesame seeds, 10g sesame seeds, 700g glutinous rice flour, 300g japonica rice flour, 30g sugar. Bring mulberry seeds black sesame seeds to a boil with water, turn the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes, remove the residue and leave the juice; Glutinous rice flour, japonica rice flour, white sugar into the basin, add medicinal juice, water to the appropriate amount, knead into a dough, make a cake, sprinkle black sesame seeds on each cake, basket steaming for 15-20 minutes to make. It can nourish the blood and is suitable for those with blood deficiency and constipation.

Constipation Don't just eat bananas, take a look at this anti-constipation strategy

[Rose] five-kernel japonica rice porridge

10g of sesame seeds, pine nuts, cypress kernels, walnut kernels, sweet almonds, and 100g of japonica rice.

Crush the five kernels and cook the porridge with japonica rice and water. Add a little sugar to the morning and evening. It can moisten the intestines and laxative, suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with constipation with both qi and blood deficiency.

[Rose] Angelica almonds stewed with pork lung

Angelica l5g, almonds 15g, pig lung 1. Wash and cut the pork lungs into pieces and stew them with the medicines (cloth bags), and then remove the medicine packets after the pork lungs are cooked, and add the green onion, ginger and seasonings to an appropriate amount. It can nourish blood and laxative, suitable for constipation with deficiency of qi and blood and insufficient lung qi.

Constipation Don't just eat bananas, take a look at this anti-constipation strategy

[Rose] Ginseng stewed sausage

10g of wood incense, 5g of incense, 10g of sea cucumber, 1 set of pig intestines. Wash and slice the pig intestine with soaking hair sea, and put the incense and wood fragrance into a sandcloth bag. First, boil the large intestine and remove the foam, add the green onion and ginger, cook until the sea cucumber is cooked, cook the medicine bag until the intestine is soft and rotten, add the appropriate amount of condiments and cook it for a while. Can nourish yin, moisturizing, laxative, suitable for people with dry intestines and constipation.

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The content is excerpted from "Concord Doctor Says" compiled by Concordia Hospital

Gong Jianing, editor-in-chief of "Four Hours of Health Care in Traditional Chinese Medicine"

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