
From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

author:Pip point of view

There are not a few stars who have stepped onto the "altar" from the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, such as Zhao Benshan, Cai Ming, Feng Gong and so on.

These people have left their own strong mark on the stage of CCTV, become household stars, and now they have become respected old artists.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

The reason why old artists are respected and respected by everyone is because they have "both ability and political integrity", and at the same time, they have the maturity and honor and disgrace after experiencing many things.

Also famous on the CCTV stage is the 65-year-old Pan Changjiang, which we are going to talk about today.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Since his debut 38 years ago, his reputation has been very good, and he was also an evergreen actor in the sketch series on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Before he was on the variety show, because he did not know the youth top idol Cai Xukun, causing his fans to launch a scolding war against him for no reason, most of the netizens chose to support him, which also proved his status as an old artist in the hearts of the public.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

After all, he is 65 years old this year, and it took nearly forty years for him to survive to the status of a high-reputation artist of "Virtue and Art".

Since the rise of anchors with goods such as Li Jiaqi, not only a large number of self-media people have poured into this industry, but even celebrities have also focused on this high-yield way of making money, so since 2020, the industry of live streaming with goods has entered an unprecedented scene.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

And Pan Changjiang, who is over the age of flower armor, is not willing to "concede" to fate, and is determined to find a path that belongs to him in the current "era of carrying goods".

But as everyone knows, it is this "road" that changed his fate, and in just one year, he lost the reputation he had worked so hard to accumulate for many years in his debut.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Looking back at Pan Changjiang's fame history and the road of "collapsed houses", it can be found that he has changed from an old artist "Uncle Pan" who is admired by everyone to "Pan Zi" in the mouth of many netizens, and at the age of 65, he has come to this point today, and he cannot blame others.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Pan Changjiang has many nicknames, such as "small gyroscope", "small cool" and so on, but in these nicknames there is a common feature, that is, "small".

His official height information on Baidu Encyclopedia shows that he is one meter six, but many netizens who have seen him say that he is at most one meter five and five, and he has been ridiculed by people around him since he was a child, in fact, his shortness is not caused by nature.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Pan Changjiang was born in Heilongjiang in 1957 to a family of Liyuan who has been engaged in the Peking opera industry for generations, his father is a well-known critic in northeast China, and his mother is also a famous critic in Liaoning.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Born in a family of critics, Pan Changjiang's life should have been worrying about food and clothing, but his family has a total of five brothers and sisters, plus parents, a total of seven people, although the cost of the two parents performing is high, but in order to support these children, life will inevitably be tight.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

But fate did not let go of this big son, when Pan Changjiang was five years old, he was diagnosed with "thirst quenching disease", in the words of Western medicine, that is, "diabetes insipidus", this disease was a terminal illness at that time, there was no medicine to cure, Pan Changjiang's attending doctor even asserted that he could not live to be 25 years old.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Even so, his parents still did not give up on him, and in the spare time without performances, they would take him around to seek medical treatment, and in order to cure his illness, the family's economic conditions were even more "tight".

But fortunately, the Emperor Tian did not pay off, and under their many requests for medical treatment, he finally found a very powerful Chinese medicine doctor in a small hospital, using silver needles up to 20 or 30 centimeters long to cure his illness through acupuncture.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Unfortunately, Pan Changjiang was ill for too long and did not receive timely treatment, delaying his development, resulting in the "roots" of his body being injured, and he could no longer break through his current height.

Although his health is not good, he is very intelligent, and he has been infected by art since he was a child, and he has a high talent in this regard, and during the treatment of his illness, in order not to make his parents sad, he offered to learn to review dramas, and worked it.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Under his mother's teaching, he quickly learned the four skills of singing, reading, doing, and playing, plus acupuncture made his physical condition better, and his basic skills were getting better and better.

But even if his skill in the commentary is strong, he is still not willing to accept him from the troupe.

Pan Changjiang's mother, Wang Jing, was so upset with him that she retired from the original troupe and ceded the position to her beloved son.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Pan Changjiang, who entered the Tieling Critics Troupe, often did not get a suitable role because of his appearance, and then his father came up with an idea for him: to play a flower face and play a clown.

Sure enough, Pan Changjiang's external image is very much in line with the image of the clown, and when he puts on makeup and puts on those clothes, he stops in the middle of the stage, and the audience will start laughing.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Pan Changjiang's performance was deeply loved by the audience, and his own fame began to rise, and then he would often receive the task of going to the countryside to perform, and it was on his way to the countryside that he met his wife Yang Yun.

At that time, Yang Yun was a civil servant in the township, and she was gentle and beautiful and attracted Pan Changjiang instantly, but he was short in stature and knew that the other party could not look up to him.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

However, at that time, when he learned that Yang Yun wanted to test the county opera troupe, he directly let her study with his mother, and Wang Jing also knew his son's thoughts, so he secretly matched the two of them.

Under the year-long offensive of Pan Changjiang and Wang Jing, Yang Yun finally agreed to be with Pan Changjiang.

Yang Yun agreed, but her parents disagreed, because Pan Changjiang was too short, plus he was a critic, in the eyes of the older generation at that time, the critic was just a singer, and there was no future in the future.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

However, at this time, Yang Yun has been "blinded" by love, so she insisted on marrying Pan Changjiang despite the opposition of her family.

However, Pan Changjiang's conditions were not good, there was no house, and the troupe did not approve the house to come down to them, so the two could only live in an abandoned women's toilet in the theater, and lived for eight years as soon as they lived, during which they also gave birth to their daughter Pan Yang.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

As the days passed, Pan Changjiang also began to realize that his family conditions were very difficult, especially his daughter had been born, he could live in the toilet, but the child could not suffer from birth, so he began to find some other way to earn money to support the family.

Just at this time, because of his excellent performance, he was transferred to the Tieling Civic Art Troupe and starred in "Four Saints and Tricks Play Pig Eight Commandments".

At this time, the northeast also came out with a shortcut to make money - "two-person turn".

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Aiming at this opportunity, Pan Changjiang began to shift from a critic to a "two-person turn" actor, but in the past few years, his hard work in this industry did not improve, until he met Zhao Benshan.

The two people in the folk art troupe are similar in age, and both are small and famous, and for the time being, they can be regarded as standing on the same running line, and after the two ran into each other for a while, they first appeared on stage in 1986 to perform a "Big Lantern", which caused a huge response.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In the following year, the two cooperated in a total of more than three hundred performances, and the scene was full, and Pan Changjiang and Zhao Benshan also became the two most famous actors in the northeast art circle with this script.

But compared to Zhao Benshan, Pan Changjiang is still slightly inferior.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

The two were on the same starting line at the beginning, and they both went on the Spring Festival Gala stage, but Zhao Benshan's reputation was still better than that of Pan Changjiang, why was this?

In the final analysis, it is still the money that Pan Changjiang wants most to cause trouble.

The two have been thinking about the sketch since 1986, between the two of them, it is not simply "1 + 1" is equal to "2", and then the two joined hands through the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage into the national people's vision, but also became a famous domestic sketch actor and comedian.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

To the later "two-person turn" work "Pig Eight Commandments Archland", and then to 1996, Pan Changjiang starred in the sketch "Crossing the River", which directly made him walk on the peak of his life, and then he became famous and became a "regular guest" on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Even though his appearance and height are not very good, he has been on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 20 times since 1992. In addition, he has also been involved in the film and television industry.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In the film and television dramas he has starred in, the most impressive is the anti-war comedy "Raise Your Hand" starring in 2003, and the "Luo Circle Leg" he played can make people can't help but be funny whenever it appears.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Accompanying generations of people growing up, he won the "Best Actor" in the Hundred Flowers Award and the "Excellent Actor Award" in the Lily Award with his sketches on the Spring Festival Gala stage and many film and television works he participated in, becoming an admirable predecessor, and he is an old artist in the eyes of the public with a good audience popularity.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Now Pan Changjiang is 65 years old, he could have taken a baby at home, occasionally appeared in front of netizens, said hello, and became the "Uncle Pan" of "virtue and art" in the mouth of netizens, enjoying his old age with fame and fortune.

But he is not satisfied, and even wants to exchange these hard-won audience contacts for money!

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In recent years, the entertainment industry has undergone earth-shaking changes, Internet celebrities when stars filming, stars to live broadcast with goods, even because of live streaming with goods and fire out of the circle Wei Ya said in the "Spit Conference" program, "The ultimate destination of stars is to bring goods."

Some netizens think that this is just a paragraph, but this paragraph is inevitably too real, after all, 65-year-old Pan Changjiang also joined the ranks of live streaming with goods.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In 2020, Xie Mengwei, who is famous for the role of "Gazi", opened his road of live streaming with goods, but he not only had a mediocre development in the show business circle, but even on the road to carrying goods, he also went a bit of a failure.

For example, he opened a live broadcast to sell wine, but was exposed by netizens to sell fake wine, and even "hammered" by the relevant departments, and Xie Mengwei, who could not be argued, turned to live broadcast and cried about "selling misery", at this time Pan Changjiang connected with him in the live broadcast.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In the connection, Pan Changjiang conducted an education on Gazi in the tone of an elder and an old artist, and staged a scene of "old father and godson" with the other party.

Originally, netizens saw this picture and felt that "Uncle Pan" was very righteous, and Gazi cried even more sadly under Pan Changjiang's questioning and teaching, but the heat of this "fake wine incident" had not yet dissipated, and Pan Changjiang began to sell wine in his own live broadcast room.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

There is indeed no problem with live selling wine, but the wine sold by Pan Changjiang's live broadcast room is also exposed by netizens as fake wine like Gazi, which makes all netizens stunned, what kind of a "persuader will eventually become Ga" drama?

Netizens also shouted in his live broadcast room when Gazi was broadcasting, asking him to manage Pan Changjiang, but Gazi directly said, "I can't manage Panzi."

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

In just a few days, Xie Mengwei's title for Pan Changjiang changed from "Uncle Pan" at the beginning to "Pan Zi", after which "Pan Ga's friendship" also became a special word for netizens to ridicule the two.

In the face of the doubts of many netizens, Pan Changjiang responded with a "blind" attitude, casually explained the "fake wine problem" in the live broadcast room, and opened his next round of sales, and the netizens directly changed the title of his "Uncle Pan" to "Panzi".

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

But Pan Changjiang still ignored it, and in his live broadcast, the most said sentence was "Did you place an order", and then he threatened to "drive out all those who did not pay" in a live broadcast.

In 2021, the movie "Wusong Blood Battle Lion Building" starring him was broadcast online, and he connected with the heroine Zhang Xiyuan in order to promote this movie.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

After connecting, he saw that the number of fans of the other party was very small, so he knelt in a chair in front of the camera, folded his hands, silently recited similar words such as "come to pay attention" in his mouth, and after reading it, he also knelt down and prostrated his head, and Zhang Xiyuan on the other side also immediately stood up and bowed to him.

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Although this matter itself is a piece of Pan Changjiang's kindness, his kowtow in front of the camera is "unnecessary" in the eyes of netizens, so after the end of this live broadcast, Pan Changjiang was also directly spat on by netizens as "Pan Zi who is not guaranteed in the late festival".

From "Uncle Pan" to "Pan Zi", 65-year-old Pan Changjiang has come to this point, no wonder others

Conclusion: There is an old saying that goes, "The human heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant".

In Pan Changjiang's growth path, illness and poverty did not overwhelm him, but in his later years, he was blinded by financial gains.

As an old artist in the entertainment industry, there is nothing wrong with him wanting to seek transformation in his career, but the road of transformation should be suitable for his own development, not under the blindness of money, turning the "Uncle Pan" praised by everyone into the "Pan Zi" that everyone is tired of.

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