
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance


Famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen in Manhattan's old home

Allen Stewart Konigsberg, 87, announced his retirement in an interview with Spanish media outlet La Vanguard, and the 50th film currently in production will be his director's last film.

Woody Allen, born in 1935 to a poor Jewish family in Brooklyn, is known for his satirical and critical films, such as Deconstructing Lovemania, Midnight Paris, and Midnight Barcelona.

Most of his films are set in Manhattan, New York, and his home is also a century-old mansion in Manhattan.

Stephen Shadley, known as the "Hollywood Star Designer of the Royal Designer", uses retro tones and log materials to provide for Woody Shadley. Alan has built a warm and comfortable home. The classical furniture, antique collection and precious artifacts in the room are also very much in line with the owner's retro and nostalgic decoration concept.

Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance
Allen Stewart, 87, of the famous American director and screenwriter Woody Allen (Konigsberg) in his old Manhattan home, is in the acceptance

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