
"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

The ancients paid attention to: "do not eat from time to time", that is, to adjust according to the change of seasons, eat the freshest and most nutritious food of the season, so there is a saying that "spring eats buds, summer eats leaves, autumn eats fruits, and winter eats roots".

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

Autumn is the season of harvest, and many kinds of fruits and fruits are ripe and marketed, fresh in season. Coupled with the influence of the weather, a large part of the friends will appear dry on the fire, so it is more necessary to eat these fruits, nourish the yin and dry, supplement nutrition is not on fire.

1. Autumn pears

Autumn pear, also known as an annir, is the fruit of a tree pear tree that usually ripens between September and October. The freshly picked autumn pear is large and nutritious, flat and round, and the outer skin is yellow-green. The water content in autumn pears is extremely high, so it is more called "natural mineral water", the taste is sweet and slightly sour, and it is moist and hot when eaten.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

On the other hand, when the vegetable and fruit preservation technology was not developed before, autumn pears were more convenient to store than other fruits, and they would not be bad in winter, so they were very popular with everyone. Although autumn pears can be directly imported, there are also some people who like to use it as a soup and eat it more nutritious when steamed. If you don't like the sourness of the pear skin, you can also peel off the skin and use ingredients such as silver fungus and goji berries to make the taste more moist and dry.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

2. Red dates

Red dates, also known as jujubes, are also one of the fruits suitable for autumn consumption. Jujube trees grow mostly in plains and hilly areas and are common in life. From early autumn, the dates slowly begin to mature and go to market, not only with good taste but also with sufficient nutrition. After the jujube is dried in the sun, the "longevity fruit" red jujube comes into being.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

However, the peel is not easy to digest, it is recommended that you choose the seven-degree Fang Yiyan cake, which is ingenious to fry the red dates and then grind them into a puree, and the red beans, peanuts and other nutritious ingredients are integrated, more than a dozen ingenious processes, hygienic and delicate, to make nutritious pastries.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

It is worth mentioning that the seven-degree Fang Yiyan cake belongs to the sucrose-free pastry, and the low-sugar formula makes the taste of the Yiyan cake more refreshing. The powdery pastry is soft and sticky, with a hint of dragon fruit aroma, sweet but not greasy on fire.

3. Autumn peach

In addition to autumn pears, peaches also ripen in autumn. Autumn peaches are the "crisp peaches" of most people, with a crisp and juicy taste, and are generally harvested in late summer and early autumn. Autumn peach juice is full and sweet, and the nutritional value is also very high, and many regions will eat peaches in some autumn seasons.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

Autumn peach water and vitality, not only can help the body replenish the water consumed in summer, but also can prevent autumn dryness, alleviate dryness and discomfort. However, the skin of autumn peach has a thin layer of fluff, which must be noted when cleaning, and the fluff can be scrubbed off with table salt, or peeled off after rinsing with water and then eaten.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

4. Oranges

Oranges belong to the citrus plant Orange tree and mostly mature around October. In the verse, it is written, "Jurun first rains, orange fragrance dominates autumn", orange flesh is rich and tender, and nutritious, more than oranges under fire, so it is very suitable for people who are easy to catch fire in autumn.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

Oranges are preferably yellow-red, and the redder the skin color indicates the higher the ripeness of the fruit, the better the taste and taste of the orange. Although there is no shortage of round oranges, in general, oranges with oval shapes taste better than round oranges. In addition, try not to eat oranges on an empty stomach, otherwise it will cause a burden on the body.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

5. Acai

Acai berries grow in the rainforest region of Brazil and mature around September. Acai berries are highly nutritious, more nutritious than blueberries, and they are not hot to eat. Acai berries with both nutrition and taste are small, have little pulp, and are not easy to store. If you want to supplement the nutrition of acai berries, it is better to take acai powder directly.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

The selection of acai berry powder in the seven-degree square acai cake adopts freeze-drying technology and is treated at low temperature, so that the nutrition of the ingredients is not easy to be destroyed. In addition, natural ingredients such as white kidney bean flour and lotus flour are also added, and more than a dozen ingredients have achieved an acai cake that integrates beauty and nutrition.

"Autumn to eat fruit, winter to eat roots", it is recommended to eat these "5 fruits" in late autumn, moisturizing and nutritious not on fire

The seven-degree square acai cake is flavored with xylitol, there is no extra addition, and it is more assured to eat it in the mouth. Chewy and sticky, with the sweet and sour of the acai, delicate and soft, not sticky at all, a small piece can provide you with a variety of energy.

Autumn is dry and vigorous, and everyone should eat less melon and more fruit. Don't worry about how busy you have to eat these 5 fruits, nutrition and dryness are not on fire, and the spirit is full of good autumn. If you feel that vegetables and fruits are not suitable for storage, you should look for regular manufacturers and trademarks when purchasing products